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Show NU NO parafite and a man of honour where hypocrify an intereft look fo like duty and affeCtion ? L'Eff ange 6 Now and then ; at one time and anothe uncertainly This word means, wit regar to time wha is meant by her NO'XIQUS. adj. [noxius, Latin. en they even when the Preparation and corre€ion Hocker then fomething of extraordinary, tha of your production, is requifite to re Ray He who refolves to walk by the gofpel rule o forbearing all revenge, will have opportunities ever mw agd then to exercife his forgiving temper Atterbury They now and then appear in the offices of religion, and avoid fome fcandalous enormities. Rogers 7 No an the ar applie to place confidered as they rife to notice in fuccedflion A mead here, there a heath, and now and then wood Drayton New. #./ cal ufe A poeti Prefent moment Nothingis there to come, and nothing paft But an eternal zo7w does ever laft Cozeley She vanifh'd, we can fcarcely fay fhe dy'd For but a nozw did heav'n and earth divide This moment perfect health, the next was death Dryden Not lefs ev'n in this defpicable moww Than when my name fill'd Africk with affrights No‘wapavs Dryden adv [This word, thoug common and ufed by the beft writers is perhaps barbarous. In the prefen age Not fo great as it was wont of yore It's wowadays, ne half fo ftrait and fore Spenfar Reafon and love keep little company togethe #ogvadays Shake[p It was a veftal and a virgin fire, and differe 2s much from that which paffes by this nam nowadays a the vita hea fro th burhin a fever o South Such are thofe principles, which by reafon o the bold cavils of perverf an we are nowadays put to defend unreafonable men Tillotfon What men of fpirit mwwadays Come to give fober judgment of new plays. Garrick NO'WED. adj. [noué, French. Knotted ; inwreathed Reuben is conceived to bear three barres waved, Judah alion rampant, Dan a ferpent zowed. Browwn Nowes. #. /. [from nox, old French. The marriage knot Out of ufe Thou fhalt look round about an Thoufands of crown'd fouls thron Themfelves thy crown, fons of th The virgin births with whigh the Made fruitful thy fair foul No'wHERE. ad® in any place fe to b mozves fpouf Crafbaw [#0 and awhere. ~No Hooker True pleafure and perfe freedom are nowher t be found but in the practice of virtne Tillotfon No'wisk. adwv. [no and aife : this is commonly fpoken and written by ignoran barbarians, noways. Not in any manner or degree A power of natural gravitation, without contaé or impulfe, can in avwife be attributed w0 mer Riatter Bentley. }fo/:c Guilty ; criminal Thofe who are noxious in the eye of the law, ar juftly punifhed by them to whom the execution o Bramhball againf} Hobbes the law is committed 3. Unfavourable unkindly noxious. [fro / = noxioufnefs-of this dotrine to all civil governments which the chriftian religion is very far from difturb No'x1ousLy. adv. [from noxious. fully ; perniciouly = Jf. [fro the fnout nofe. Hurt Th nofe It is nothing but a paultry old fconce with th noxle broke off. Arbuthnot and Pope's Mart. Scrib fit. Aunob fo a clenche To bruife with handy cuffs Ainfworth. Nvuei'rerovUs.adj. [nubifer, Lat.] Bringing clouds ZoNU'BILATE. v. a. [nubilo, Lat. cloud Dis T Nu'prry Lat. a. / Nake [#udité part Diryden ‘Th opinion, that putrefaétion is caufed eithe ‘by.cold, or peregrine and preternatural heat, is bu nugation Bacon Trifling adj futile [nugatorius infignificant Ltflf] was z«l/ and fraudulent Suwif The pope's confirmation of the church lands1 thofe who hold them by King Henry's donation Bacon defaul i opene Suuth by the party, of juftice from the ordinary, as by appeal or nullities Ajhff 2. Want of exiftence be over foft, it may induce a nullity o percuflio found Bacan but never an interiour found | NUMB. adj. [benumen, benumebd, Sax. nudus 1. Torpid; deprived in a great meafur French Nuca'rion. u. /. [nuger, Latin. a& or praftice of trifling Nu'carory manye will yield an exteriour found, in fo much as if th Frenc obfcene nuditics Th Dy A bard body ftruck againft another hard bods There are no fuch licences permitted in poetry any more than in painting, to defign and colou Of lands to her, the cuckold may fucceed The jurifdi€tio Woodavard no force; ineffe®ual ‘With what impatience muft the mufe hehol mick writers The a& of making bar or naked Void; o It can be no part of my bufinefs to overthro this ditin&ion, and to fhew the mullity .of it which has been folidly done by moft of our pole the outer furface of the ftone exactly of the fam Latin. Latin. Nu'riity. #. /. [#nullité, French. 1. Want of force or efficacy The crufts are each in all parts nearly of the fam thicknefs, their figure fuited to the nmuclews, an [nudation adj. [nullus Grew's Cojp To annul; to make void Nvucr'rerous adj [nuces and fero Latin. Nutbearing Dig NU'CLEUS. . /. [Latin. A kernel any thing aboutr which matter is gathered or conglobated nudo Thy fair enchanted cup, and warbling cham Nvuvrvisr'ery. #. /. [from nullibi, Lat The ftate of being nowhere o Nu'LLiFy. @. 4. [from mullus, Lat The cowflip fmiles, in brighter yellow dreft ‘Than that which veils the nxbile virgin's breaft Prior 2. / 7o NuLL. . a. [aullus, Lat} nul; to annihilate; to deprive of effi cacy or exiltence privation or tranflation Nvu'BILE. adj. [nubile, French ; nubilis Lat. Marriageable ; fit for marriage form with that of the mucleus Ptfifm If part ef the people be fomewhat in the election, you cannot make them #u/ls or ciphers in th Di& Nvupa'rion dirt ox{: of the ftreets. to be fiv Nvurr. # /i Something of no power, o no meaning. Marks in ciphered writ ing which ftand for nothing, and ar inferted only to puzzle, are calle nulls 7o NUu'BBLE. @. a. [properly to Anubble fro as. neceflar Their orders are accounted to be nu// and inyalid b the end or knobble Nuifances The wife, by her procuring hufband fold For tho' the law makes ##// th' adult'rous dee Hammond ing NozLe z. [In law. Something éat {nég; modes the neighbourhood Nvucrr have warned us of th of politick SWife's Mifeells other operations of bodics Hurtfulnefs; infalubrity The writer es })n No more on me have power, their force is nylld b o grf;fié: o n l o i p w t h t Reafo Too frequent an appearance in places of muc refort, is moxious to fpiritual promotions Savift No'xious~ess is th liar's lot, he is acq ount e pé and a zuifance; a perfon marked o u for 'mfam and fcorn Sout A wife man who does not affi fl' w th his coyp fels, a rich man with his ch arity angd 5 00 man with his labour, are perfect n tifan Noxious feeds of the difeafe are contained in Blackmore {maller quantity in the blood 2 Bently [flu{fa.m?, French. commonwealth Time conquers all, and we muft time obey Nvu'eL See NEwekL Some men, of whom we think very reverently, {Nvca'crry # [a ga L t have in their books and writings nowhere mention- f talk[ ori b t l t tr fl n h v o r ed or taught that fuch things fhould be in the chureh Thi dews Arife, the pines a moxious fhade diffufe Sharp Boreas blows, and nature feels decay eCtual argument againft fpontaneou ation is, that there is no new fpecies pros wh 'c h‘ wou cwo and then happen, wer n mitted for fy 1. Something noxious or offenfiy is not only by addi unwholeiom Sce pale Orion fhed [);y.hn shere any fuch thing I\JUE SANCE tion of other bodies, but feparation of noxious part Lrowin from their own Kill noxions creatures, where 'tis fin to fave Dryden This only juft prerogative we have 1 themnfelves on huma etend divine ter factory explications of things 1. Hurtful ; harmful; baneful; mifchievous; deftrucive; peraicious; unwhole fome and there, with refpe&t to place and fympathy and antipathy were a Latin. So_me great men of the laft age, before the mechaplcul philofophy was revived, were too muc addicted to this nygatory art'y when aecukt quality of the power of motion and fenfation chill ; motienlefs Like a ftony ftatue, cold and mumbs A?bflkfl'"'" Leaning long upon any part make_th 1caumt 2 aflecp; for that the compreffion of the pr fereth not the fpirits to have free aceej fansd therefore when we come out of it, we fe!2 {f*":g r - t n r i n ing or pricking fpirits 2. Producing chillnefs; bepumbing When we both lay in the t:xeld Frozen almoft to death, how he did lap m Ev'n in his garments and did give h;mf; cl All thin and naked to the mum cold nl&h"_ SI?‘; 7o Nums ~ mak w. To6 make torpid dull of mptio deaden; to fupify or fenfaton |