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Show TO TO TorREFA'CTION torrefacio, Lat. the fire penal anguith ; torture e t e r f b ' r f e e e t r e ; I::: prifo entors§ lies. Porasip r t o e t b -~ But fearlefs b n f c f' 'e it l h n e n Not fharp rev torment than a guilty mind Whe Q Dryden ‘/u'.:r' Z The root of tormentil has been ufcd~ for tannin of leather, and accounted the beft aftringent in t']] wh on 1 One who infli&s penal tortures No prifoners there, enforc'd by torments, cry ( YPIE moer Cha ipw cezi Another clifter is compofed of tw Or meafure out his torments by thy wil Yet what couldft thou, tormentor, hope to gain Thy lofs continues unrepaid by pain. Dryd. Fuw The commandments of God being conformabl to the diates of right reafon, man's judgment con demns him when he violates any of them ; and f clean.sh data import.tsv out README the finner becomes his own tormentor. South's Serm The ancient martyrs paffed through fuch ne inventions and varieties of pain as tired their zormentors Addifon 2. Aviolent and rapid ftream ; tumultuou current Not far from Caucafus are certain fteep-fallin e And bold tornados blufter in the ky woo Garth TOR{'E'DO. n. /. [Latin. A fith whic while alive, if touched even with a lon flick, benumbs the hand that fo touche 1t,B but when dead is eaten fafely - To'rerp. adj, [#orpidus, Lat.] Numbe motionlef Galen's commentator nefs;. the on ftate of being torpid Th‘{ug‘h the object about which it is exercife b E:Ol':bllttle and low; yet a man hath this advankegces)i,tt?e exercife of this faculty abou it, that i ahgtuat rqureft and torpidnefs, it enlarget an z; 1t fora due improvementeve about nojects Hale's Origin of Mankind Stat Derba ./ Lati DU]FC{ 2?E1:1?;tfiso;n,inabifity to move ; dulnef beidMotsion;fi:_ didif fcufles the torpor of foli: d bodies which tural ap eltlitmmon of gravity, have in them a na PEtite not to moye at all, Bacow's Nat, Iif mentio a twofol dry Mifchief; injury ; calamity Obfolete Then gan triumphant trumpets found on high That fent to heaven the echoed repor Of theit new joy, and happy vi€tor Againft him that had been long oppreft with zort And faft imprifoncd in fieged fort Spenfer He dreadlefs bad them come to court For no wild beafts fhould do them any tor¢. Spenf Your difobedience and ill managin Of a&ions loft for want of due fupport Refer I juftly to a further fpring Spring of fedition, ftrife, oppreffion, tort. Fairfax To'RTILE adj. [tortilis, Lat Twifted wreathed To'RTION. n /. [from #ortus, Lat. ment; pain Tor Not in ufe All purgers have a raw {pirit or wind, whic is the principal caufe of zortisa in the ftomach an belly Bacon To'rRT10US. adj. [from torz.] Injurious doing wrong Spenjer To'rRTIVE. adj. [from tortus, Lat.] Twil ed ; wreathed Knots by the conflux of meeting {a Infect the found pine, and divert his grai Tortive and errant from his courfe of growth Shake[teare Burning head 5 fometimes one fide, fometimes another; b puthing againft the ground, to rock itfelf asin cradle, to find out where the inequality of the groun might permit it to roll its fhell. Ray on the Creation 2. A form into which the ancient foldier ufed to throw their troops b bendin down, and holding their bucklers abov their heads fo tha them n darts could hur TorTuo'sitY to the turrets rofe Diyden's Zreid # [fro tertuons. Wreath ; 8exure Thef the midwife contriveth unto a knot clof Harwey on C;r:/i;mptiom a heat violently hot 1. Twifted ; wreathed ; winding This with torrid heat And vapours as the Libyan air aduft Began to parch that temperate clime Milton's Paradife Loft The fev'rith air fann'd by a cooling breeze Thofe who amidft the tor7id regions live Dryd May they not gales unknown to us receive See daily thow'rs rejoice the thirfty earth And blefs the flow'ry buds fucceeding birth ? Prior Torsk. z. /. [In heraldry. To'rsEL. = /. [torfe, Fr. in 2 twifted form of itfelf, becaufe they could only bend towards th belly, it could help itfelf only by its neck an To rTvUOUS, adj. [tortucux, Fr. from tor tuofus, tortus, Lat. wit they call a forrid tabes ;5 the other with acoldnefs when the parts are confumed through extin&ion o 2 A living tortoife being turned upon its back, no being able to make ufe of its paws for the returnin whic concomitate their native heat In his needy fhop a tortsife hung An alligator ftuft Shakefpeare unto the body of the infant, from whence enfuet that tortusfity, or complicated nodofity, cailed th navel Brown's Fulgar Errours Columbus firf Found a temp'rate in a forrid zone Some., in th: eir mof perfeét ftate, fubfitini a kin 9 torpitude or fleeping fate To rs1on. n. f. {torfio, Lat.] The at o turning or twifting Tort. n fi [tort, Fr. tortum, low Lat. Secure advancin 3. It is particularly applied to the region or zone between the tropicks ti onlefs ;: numbnefs mot ; flug windows, lay them in loam Moxon's Mechanical Exercifes Their targets in a tortoife caft, the foe To RRID. adj. [torride, Fr. torridis, Lat. i. Parched; dried with heat awakes the torpid fap. Thomfor's Spring To'Rp1DNESS, 2, /- [from torpid. Th 7 Rollin Milton Without heat all things woul be torpid, an without motion Ray on the Creation ,The,fu OR th Whofe waves of torrent fire inflame with rage ; fluggifh ; not aive o gifhbeneinf in whic Fierce Phlegeton Ewelyn To'rprrypg, n./. [fro torpid. waters To'RRENT. adj. [torrens, Lat. in a rapid ftream z?::t memory through fo multifariou an employ o Erafmus, that great injur'd name Stemm'd the wild torrent of a barb'rous age. Pope A comprehenfive expedient to affift the frail an ent defcent Temp'ring the thirfty fever of the field Dryden's Georgicks To'REENT. 0d). [torpens, Lat.] Benumb in thef grains of gold remain, and the water paflet through, which Strabo witneffeth to be true. Ral The memory of thofe who, out of duty and confcience, oppofed that torrent which did overwhel them, fhould not lofe the recompenfe due to thei virtue Clarendon When fhrivell'd herbs on with'ring ftems decay The wary ploughman, on the mountain's brow Undams his wat'ry ftores, huge torrents flow ed; ftruck motionlefs 5 not active; incapable of motion When you lay any timber on brickwork, a torfels for mantle trees to lie on, or lintols ove To'rTo15E. . f. [fortue, Fr. torrents, which wath down many grains of gold I. An animal covered with a hard fhell as in many other parts of the world; and th there are tortoifes both of land and water people there inhabiting ufe to fet many fleeces o Nimble corufcations ftrike the eye o The near in bloo Forfake me like the torrent of a flood Sandys on Fab Will no kind flood, no friendly rain Difguife the marfhal's plain difgrace No torrents fwell the low Mohayne The world will fay he durft not pafs Prior Yethall not eat any flefh that is torn of beafts Exod. xxii hurricane ; a whirlwind hemin white wine, halfa hemina of honey, Agyptian nitr torrefied a quadrant Arbutbnot ToRRENT. 7 Hadft thou full pow'r to kill Spanith. Boyle 1. A {udden ftream raifed by fhowers Let his tormenter, confcience, find him out. M/ TORNA'DOL #, /o [tornady Brown know why torrefaction makes {ulphur itfelf black TorN. part. pafl. of zear 2 child & k, whe fro /. [torrent, Fr. torrens, Lat. But fearlefs by their old tormentors lie Sandys on fob to Divers learned men aflign, for the caufe of bl ck. nefs, the footy fteam of aduft or torrefied fulphur Boyle on Colours Torrefied fulphur makes bodies black ;5 Tdefire t give He called to me for fuccour, defiring me at leaf to kill him, to deliver him from thofe tormentors Sidney Ir() RREFY. w.a. [torrifier, Fr refacio, Lat. To dry by the fire the foil #./. [from zorment. torments Browe torrefied from the fun by addition of drynef Wifeman 1. One wh ain 5 In the fulphur of bodies torrefied confif the princ1ph::; of infl:mnmbi!ity. Brown's Vulgar Ervours 41 }}c Africans are more peculiarly feorche an e l M m d n k whole vegetabl t m h i e m f b l a r t e i i Refrefh the f of balm, buglofs, with the powder of the roots o TorME'NTOR Boyl on Colours not a fufficient infolation, it looket Q.\!c 3 if it be funned too long it fuffereth torre rt F l i n m o [ / 7 I N M ' \ q mentilla, Lat.] Septfoil. A plant tormentil torrefied fulphur makes bodies black wh If it hav and ftill the charge renews n. [. [torrefaion, Fr The a& of drying b does torrefaction make fulphu itfelf blac %g;;fiesay and night doth dreadfully accufe the wretch O A wreath Any thin So vary'd he, and of his tortuous trai Curl'd many a wanton wreath Milton Aqueous vapours, like a dry wind, pafs throug 1o long and tortuous a pipe of lead 2. Mifchievous [Thu I explai Boyle it, o {fuppofition that it is derived from zorz wrong ; but it may mean crooked: a we fay, crooked ways for bad pra&ices crooked being regularly enough oppofit to right. This in fome copies is zortioss and therefore from zorz. Ne ought he car'd whom he endamage By tortuous wrong, or whom bereav'd of right S Q‘DL 7!,.'2'? |