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Show This does but roughbeav and defign Leaves art to polifh and refine RoU'GHHEWN 1 Rugged A roughheaw Hudibras Should feafting and balls once get amongft th cantons, their military roughnefs would be quickl brought before bein feaman Bacon's Apophthbegms rlace . Not yet nicely finifhed T hope to obtain a candid conftrultio v.'-.-g/l-é[u-»: ill-timber'd difcourfe of thi Hoawel Rov'cury. adv. [from rough. 1. With uneven furface ; with afperitie on the furface 2. Harfhly ; uncivilly ; rudely Ne Mammon would there let him long remain ¥or terror of the torments manifold In which the damned fouls he did behold Spenfer But roughly him befpake Rebuk'd, and roughly fent.to prifon Th' immediate heir of England ! was this eafy Rouvcrr. old pret. of reach. [commonl Reached written by Spenfer raught. The moon was 2 mont Yeather againft the cavity of the cylinder, now an then put a ftop to the defcent or afcent of .th fucker Boyle And rought not to five weeks, when he came t Shakefpeare's Love's Labour Lof fivefcore 7% Rou cHWORK. v. a. [rough and work. To work coarfely over without the leaf nicety Thus you muft continue, till you have roughawrought all your work from end to end Moxon's Mechanical Exercifes Rou'~cevatr. #. f. [from Rouncefval, town at the foot of the Pyrenees.] Se Pea, of which it is a fpecies ROUND Ancrbm;y Divers plants contain a grateful fharpnefs, a lemons; or an auftere and inconcotted roughnefs, as floes Browwn 3. Tafte of aftringency A tobacco-pipe broke in my mouth, and th fpitting out the pieces left fuch a delicious rowgh:u;(s on my tongue, that I champed up the remainSpectator 4. Harfhnefs to the ear In the roughnefs of the numbers and cadences o this play, which was fo defigned, you will fe fomewhat more mafterly thas in any of my forme tragedics The Swedes, Danes, Germans attain to the prepunciation of ou Dryden and Dutc words wit eafe, becaufe our fyllables refemble theirs in rough riefs and frequency of confonants Saift Ruggednefs of temper; coarfenefs o manners; tendencyto rudenefs ; coarfenefs of behaviour and addrefs Reughnef is needlef cauf of difcontent feverity breedeth fear j but roughnefs breedeth hate even reproofs from authority ought to be grave an not taunting Bacon ‘When our minds eyes are difengag'd They quicken floth, perplexities unty Malke 7oughnefs fmooth, and hardnefs mcllify Roughref of tempe the timorous ar modeit is ap Denbam to difcountenaic Addifon adj. [rond, French; rondo, Ital Hollow engines long and round thick ram'd Milton 2. Circular The queen of nigh In her increafing hornes, doth rounder grow Till full and perfect fhe appeare in fhow Brogws His pond'rous fhield large and round behin him Miiton Strives with the gentle calnefs of the flood Denbam When the diamond is not only found, bu the roughnefs {moothed, cutinto a form, and fe in gold, then we cannot but acknowledge, tha it is.the perfe& work of art .and nature Dryden Such a perfuafion as this well fixed, will fmoot all the roughnefs of the way that leads to happinefs and render all the conflits with our lufts pleafing Tufferes rund, Dutch; rotundus, Latin. 1. Cylindrical While the fteep hortid roughnefs of the woo ‘ing part wa no more And fet as a daintie thy runciwal peafe The little roughneffes or.other inequalities of th 2. Aufterenefs to the tafte Ada old, whe Dig garden .e Let his queen mothe ral Infreaty To thew his griefs; le t heralon -bwau;,d'@;m':i: The, kings interpofed in a round Sh&,‘f?"'" manner; not only by way of g i ) ::: fi;l:‘ig prot o wa b alf bu fion 7. Severity; violence of difcipline 8. Violence of operation in medicines | Rounp. =, / 9. Unpolithed or unfinithed flate 1 c r l f h r a e an ea ap o dre o 10. Ineleganc Hie thee hither 11. Tempeftuoufnefs; ftorminefs That I may pour my {pirits in thin e And chaftife with the valour o 12. Coarfenefs of features my tong All that impedes thee from the golde RovuGH-r00TED. adj. [from rough an rgue W i f te and metaphyfick aid doth Juot.] Featherfooted To h 3. Severely; without tendernefs 4. Aaufterely to the tafte 5. Boifteroufly; tempeftuoufly 6. Harfhly to the ear Rouv'cHNESs. 7. /. [from rough. t. Superficial afperity; unevennef {urface Addifon climate Shakelpeare Seme friends of wice pretend That I the tricks of youth too roxghly blame Dryden t'hei loft, their tempers would grow too foft fo uncivil ; unre- Suftice for fome mifdemeanounr, was by him order ed away to prifon; and would not ftir; faying, i was better to ftand where he was, than go toa worf k 6. Abfence of delicacy particip. adj unpolifhed fined RO RO RO 3. Spherical ; orbicular ‘The outfide bare of this round world 4 [Rotundo ore, Latin. out defeét in found Milton Smooth with His ftyle, though round and comprehenfive was incumbred fometimes by parenthefes, and became difficult to vulgar underftandings Fell 5. Not broken Pliny put a round number near the truth, rathe than a fra&ion Arbuthrot on Coins inconfiderable : this i hardly ufed but with _jum or price Three thoufand ducats ! tis agood round fum Sbake[peare They fet a roun It is not eafy t ney may do amon fered the Franch price upon your head. 4ddifon forefee what round fum of moa people, who have tamely .fufCompté to be feized on Addifor's Remarks on Italy She called foraround fum out of the privy purfe Looke 7+ Plain ; clear fair ; candid ; open Roupd cealing is the honour of man's nature and a mixture of falfehood is like allay in gol and filver, which may make the metal work th better but it embafeth it Bacon 8. Quick; brifk Painting is a long pilgrimage; if we do no atually begin the journey, and travel at a roun rate, we fhall never artive at the end of it. Dryden Sir Roger heard them upon a round trot and afte paufing, told them both fides 9. Plain fre that much might be faid o Addifos withou ferve ; almoft rough sz I'll charm the.air to give a foun While you perform your antic rm,d. Shakeliym Three or four we'll drefs like urchins delicac or re Fyenc With rounds of waxen tapets on their heads And rattles in their hands 1 Hirfute roots are a middle fort, b'elme bulbous and fibrous; that, befides the putt ard ." fap upwards and downwards,yuttetlnforth i What if the fu Be centre to the world; and other ftar By his attractive virtue and their ow Incited dance about him various rounds, J Knit your hands, and beat the groun In a light fantaftick round He did foretel and prophefy of him Who te hisrealms that azute round hath joing, | They meet, they wheel, they throw their é afar Then in a round the mingled bodies run Flying they follow, and purfuing thun. D How fhall I then begin, or where concluds To draw a fame fo truly circular For, in a round, what order.can be fhewd Where all the parts {o equal perfectare? D The-mouth of Vefuvio has four hunred in diameter; for it feems a perfect roundy Adiu This image on the medal plac'd With its bright round of titles grac'd And ftampt on Britifh coins fhall live. Aidj 2. Rundle; ftep of aladder When he once attains the upmoft rourd He then unto the ladder turns hisback In his fatyrs Horace is quick, round, and pleafant, and as nothing fo bitter, fo not fo good a Juvenal Peacham 6. Large ; o ve crown'd thee withal Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degre Sbahj?mf By which he did afcend Many are kicked down ere they haveciodi}, the two or three fir(t rounds of the ladder Government of the Tugxl All the rounds like Jacob's ladder nfc The loweft hid in earth, the topmoftin th;) filz; A H g This isountd of the ladder whereby we al'c‘c;xd.'w utmoft 3 a heaven 3. The time inw thro the firft: hence n : b t t ' l f u r l n g sn d n i f h o t a g To t Sfi""' ' a m c b r c t Wome away thr w oo A round or two; when us'dy the b The feaft was ferv'd To the king's pleafure went e mirthfu Fric 4. A revolutio point where it began We that are of purer fir¢ Imitate the ftarry quire ? ' g f l f } t w t g n Who, in thei ¥ an h n m t d u r i f i Lea n o - b i t w t _t < No e fruitlefs round: ey: "Tis nou If nothing will pl; eaf they & a wha intended greate tha natur pet, but the afs's raund of ,vexaUO"‘\L.Efl,ggv: | k |