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Show 1885.] OF BOMBAY AND THE DECCAN. 879 end, radials from the angles ; middle median at one eighth before end of cell, lower at three fifths ; submedian straight. Hind wings long, exterior margin very oblique, convex, abdominal margin short; cell extending half the length ; subcostal curved upward from end of cell, and slightly touching the costal; discocellular slender, bent outward in middle, lower end longest and very oblique, radial from middle of upper end, two upper medians from acute end of cell, second from near the end, first or lower at nearly one half before the end; submedian and internal vein wide apart. Body long, slender, abdomen slightly tufted at tip; labial palpi porrect, compressed at the sides, lanceolate, laxly squamose beneath, extending half their length beyond the eyes; maxillary palpi tufted in front; proboscis slender ; antennae in male stoutly b'ipectinated, the branches minutely ciliated; antennae in female setose ; legs moderately slender, middle and hind spurs slender. 189. CHARLTONA KALA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 4, S •) Sattara, June. Male and female. Wings glossy. Fore wings fuliginous black. Hind wings pale brownish cinereous. Thorax, head, palpi, and fore legs fuliginous black ; abdomen, middle and hind legs brownish cinereous, anal tuft fuliginous brown ; antennae ochreous in male, black in female. Expanse of wings, o* lyV' ? * fV incn- 190. EROMENE BELLA. Eromene bella, Hiibner, Tin. f. 69. Poona, November. 191. SURATTHA INVECTALIS. Surattha invectalis, Walker, xxvii. p. 76. Sattara, June ; Poona, June. 192. CRAMBUS PARTELLUS, n. sp. Poona, October and November; Bombay, September and November. In great quantities at Poona. Allied to C. desistalis, Walker. Pinkish white, irrorated with grey and black atoms. Fore wings with the irrorations (which are always darker and denser in the male than in the female) making the costal portion dark, and forming two irregular, diffuse, very oblique bands across the wing, one before the middle and the other beyond it, and running up to the apex; there is sometimes also a black dot at the end of the cell. Hind wings pure white. Underside pure white, with some diffuse grey colour in the interior of the fore wings of the male ; pure white and unmarked in the female. Expanse of wings, 6* ro~l m c n > ? I'TiT'liV m c n* 193. JARTHEZA CHRYSOGRAPHELLA. Chilo chrysographella, Kollar, Hugel's Kaschmir. p. 494 (1848). Poona, September and October. 57* |