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Show 1885.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA OF JAPAN. 725 in the colour of the antennae and legs, and also in the rugosely-punctured thorax. The colour of the latter and that of the head separates the species from L. hirtus, Baly. LIPRUS SUTURALIS, sp. nov. Pale fulvous ; thorax distinctly punctured ; elytra deeply punctate-striate, the interstices costate, fulvous ; the sutural margin abbreviated near the apex, black, the costa? with yellowish rather long and stiff hairs. Length 1 line. Fukushima. A single specimen. Rather smaller than the smallest specimens of L. hirtus and L. nigritus, with which the present species cannot be confounded on account of the strongly raised elytral costa? and their narrow black sutural margin. The antenna? also are shorter, and the thorax seems less transverse and more elongate. It may be, however, that L. suturalis is only a small and differently coloured variety of L. nigritus. LIPRUS MINUTUS, sp. nov. Pale testaceous, finely pubescent; thorax rugose-punctate ; elytra punctate-striate, the interstices costate, testaceous, a spot behind the middle of each elytron piceous. Length f line. Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles obsolete. Antenna? closely approached, testaceous, two thirds the length of the body ; the second joint as thick as the first, but less than half its length, the two following joints scarcely longer but much thinner, the rest gradually but slightly thickened. Thorax subquadrate, one half broader than long, the sides perfectly straight or a little concave near the base; the basilar sulcation rather obsolete and sinuate, extending to the sides, the surface rugose-punctate. Elytra rather convex, costate throughout, the interstices deeply punctate-striate, furnished with single erect testaceous hairs; behind the middle a transversely shaped or rounded piceous spot is placed. Posterior femora short, not extending to the apices of the elytra, their tibiae with a spine; the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the two following joints together. Nagasaki or neighbourhood. Although the shape of this species, of which Mr. Lewis obtained two specimens, differs from L. hirtus in being less elongate, that of the thorax and its groove as well as the state of the coxal cavities agrees with the genus ; the costate and pubescent elytra, as well as the deflexed sides of the latter, are other characters which the species has in common with Liprus. I may remark here that the species of Liprus lately described by myself in the' Annals of the Genoa Museum ' from Sumatra, although agreeing in most respects with the genus, differs from the other species of the present genus in the shape of the thorax, which is that of a species of Lema. |