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Show 746 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [N Femora and abdomen fulvous. Tibiae, tarsi, and the breast piceous or black. Nikko. This species has the same shape as G. semifulva, but is smaller, of paler colour ; the antennae are shorter and have the third and fourth joints equal (in the other species the third joint is distinctly longer) ; the punctuation of the elytra also is much stronger, and the legs are of different colour. G A L E R U C E L L A FUSCIPENNIS, sp. nov. Elongate, convex; black ; lower part of face, thorax, the base of the femora, and abdomen testaceous ; thorax with three fuscous spots ; elytra fuscous, finely pubescent and punctured, the lateral margin obscure testaceous. Length 4 lines. Head finely rugose-punctate, black, with a fine central groove, the lower part of the face testaceous. Antenna? half the length of the body, the second and third joints equal, the fourth distinctly longer, closely pubescent. Thorax narrowly transverse, about three times as broad as long, the sides but moderately rounded, the angles obtuse; surface rather deeply depressed along the anterior margin, and with three rather deeper fovea? at the base, the middle one of which is of triangular shape; the interior of these fovea? is stained with black. Scutellum black, covered with long pubescence. Elytra obscure fuscous, slightly tinged with green, their extreme base and the lateral margin narrowly testaceous; surface extremely closely and finely punctured, thinly but closely covered with yellowish pubescence. Femora fulvous at their base ; the knees, tibia?, tarsi, and the sides of the breast black. Abdomen fulvous. Awomori. A single specimen. This species approaches in size G. annulicornis, Baly, but the structure of the antennae in the latter is quite different, the thorax is also of other shape, and the elytra have a broad flattened margin which is wanting in the present species. Genus GALERUCA, Geoffr. G A L E R U C A ( A D I M O N I A ) MULTICOSTATA, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. %• 7.) Oblong, narrowly parallel ; black, above rufous ; thorax strongly punctured with some deep fovea? ; elytra deeply punctate-striate, the interstices costate throughout. Length 2-3 lines. Head with a few fine and remotely placed punctures; the frontal tubercles black, very strongly raised and limited behind by a deep groove ; palpi black. Antenna? rather more than two thirds the length of the body, black ; the second joint short, third and fourth of equal length. Thorax about one half broader than long, subquadrate, the sides very little rounded, the angles not produced ; the disk with three deep longitudinal foveae and another transverse sulcation at the base (these foveae are sometimes interrupted in such a way as to form three impressions parallel with the anterior and three parallel |