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Show 528 MR. H. DRUCE ON NEW HETEROCERA. [May 19, JOSIA O RIB I A, Sp. 11. Form of J. auriflua, Walk. Primaries deep orange-yellow, with the margins narrowly bordered with black; secondaries orange-yellow, with the costal, outer, and inner margins narrowly bordered with black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black; tegulae yellow; antennae black ; legs brownish black. Expanse 1^ inch. Hab. East Peru (Whitely). A pretty little species allied to J. auriflua, from which it is readily distinguished by the great difference in the secondaries. JOSIOMORPHA, Felder. JOSIOMORPHA STRIATA, Sp. U. Primaries deep black, with a central narrow band of buff-yellow extending from the base to near the outer margin, where it is reduced to a point; secondaries pale buff-yellow, with the costal, apex, and hind margins narrowly bordered with black. ad, antennae, thorax, abdomen, and legs all black. Expanse \\ inch. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). This species is quite distinct from any with which I am acquainted. F O R M T A N A , gen. nov. Primaries long and broad, with the costal margin much arched near the apex, forming a wide hook, giving the appearance of a piece being cut out of the outer margin between the apex and the anal angle, discoidal cell rather long and broad; secondaries broad and elongated, much rounded-off at the apex. Abdomen extending about one third of its length beyond the wings; anus tufted with short greyish hairs. Thorax broad, clothed with short black hairs. Head small; palpi very small, not clothed with hairs. Antennae rather long and deeply pectinated ; legs slender and rather long. FORMIANA MJENADES, sp. 11. (Plate XXXII. fig. 18.) Primaries deep black, with a large, almost triangular, spot beyond the middle, dentated on the outer margin, and a long streak on the inner margin close to the base, citron-yellow : secondaries bright citron-yellow, with the margins narrowly bordered with black. The underside the same as above. The head, thorax, and upper side of the abdomen black; the sides yellow, with a narrow black band, on the underside white ; a small yellow spot on each side of the tborax, close to the base of the wings; tegulae black ; antennae black ; legs brownish black. Expanse If inch. Hab. Bolivia (Buckley). This very fine insect is quite unlike any known to me; it is perhaps best placed before the genus Fl'avinia, which in some respects it resembles. |