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Show 1885.] MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W HETEROCERA. 527 DARNA TRIPUNCTATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 16.) Primaries brownish black, with three orange-coloured spots, the first small and near the base, the second at the end of the cell, the third below it close to the inner margin : secondaries bright orange, broadly bordered with brownish black from the apex to the anal angle, the base slightly brown, the underside the same as above. Head, thorax, and antennae black, tegulae streaked with yellow; palpi, antennae, and legs black. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). HAGNAGORA, Druce1. H A G N A G O R A B U C K L E Y I . (Plate XXXII. fig. 17.) Primaries rich dark brown, crossed from the middle of the costal to the outer margin near the apex by a dark orange-red band ; secondaries dark purple-blue, broadly bordered with dark brown. Underside of the primaries the same as above, but the orange band rather paler in colour; secondaries brown, streaked between the nerves with bright blue. Head, thorax, and abdomen brownish black ; antennae black ; legs brown. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). A very beautiful insect, allied to a new species from Nicaragua. H A G N A G O R A L E X , sp. n. Primaries dull brown, crossed from the costal margin to the anal angle by a narrow orange-coloured band; secondaries uniform brown. Underside the same as above, except that the secondaries have several silver streaks near the inner margin. Head, antennae, thorax, and abdomen dark brown. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). A small dull-coloured insect, quite distinct from the preceding and also the Central-American species. JOSIA, Hiibner. JOSIA GLYCERA, Sp. n. Primaries deep orange, narrowly bordered with black, resembling J. ligula but with the black borders much narrower: secondaries bright orange, with the costal margin and apex broadly bordered with black, and with a black ^-shaped mark at the anal angle. Head, antennse, and thorax black ; collar and tegulse yellow; abdomen black, with the base and sides banded with orange-yellow; legs black. Expanse 1 inch. Hab. Colombia, Manaure (Simons). This insect is allied to /. ligula, from which it differs greatly in the markings of the secondaries. » The description of this genus will shortly be published in the ' Biologia Centrali-Americana.' |