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Show 350 DR. ST. G. MIVART ON THE ARCTOIDEA. [Apr. 21, most Viverrines, being slightly exceeded by that of Genetta, Herpes-tes, Cynictis, Hemigalidia, and most of all by Cynogale, where it reaches 29*5. The palate is relatively 24-1, which is more than double the average of the Feline palate's length, and much more than that of any Viverrine, the largest of which (Herpestes) is but 17*9. That of the Dingo is 13*8. The relative breadth of the palate is 6*5, which is less than that of the Dingo (7*0) or of any Cat, and is hardly more than half that of Crocuta, while in Suricata it is 10*0. It is a little wider than that of Viverra or Arctictis, while that of Eupleres is only 3*9. If we estimate the length from the basion 1 to the anterior edge of the premaxilla at 100, the length of the palate is 85-4, which greatly exceeds that of any iEluroid, where it ranges from 43*4 (some Cats) to 61 or 62 (some Herpestes, Crossarchus, and Bdeogale). In the Dingo it is 54-7. The breadth of the palate thus estimated is 23-3, while in the non-feline iEluroids it varies from 16*8 (Eupleres) and 18*4 (Arctictis) to 49*3 (Crocuta). In the Cats it varies from 39*1 to 46*9, and in the Dingo it is 27*6, just what it is in Viverra. The greatest breadth of the zygomata is 71*8, which exceeds that of the non-feline iEluroids except the Hyaenas, where it may be 83*4. In the Cats it may be 89'3. In the Dingo it is 61*6. The greatest breadth of the brain-case is 45*6. In the iEluroids it ranges from 27 (Hyana brunnea) to 50*8 (Suricata) and 54*5 (some Cats). In the Dingo it is 34*9. The narrowest interorbital or postorbital breadth is 24*2. In the iEluroids it may be only 15*6 (Viverricula) and 14*0 (Cynogale), or it may be 26*3 (Suricata) or 27*5 (Galidia). It is 220 in the Dingo. The length, thus estimated, of the fourth upper premolar is 7*7. In the iEluroids it varies from 4*9 (Arctogale) to 16*4 (Crocuta). In Viverra it is 11*1, and in the Dingo it is 10'3. The length of the first upper true molar is 8'7. In the iEluroids it varies from 1*3 (Crocuta) to 5-6 (Hemigalea). In Viverra it is 5*2, and in the Dingo it is 6*9. The breadth of the same tooth is also 8*7, while in the iEluroids it ranges from 1*7 (Crocuta) to 10*5 (Suricata). In Viverra it is 9 7, and in the Dingo it is 9*4. The relative length of the second upper true molar is 5*8. In the iEluroids it may be only 1*2 as in Genetta, or it may reach 5*2 in Cynogale. In Viverra it is 2 9, and in the Dingo it is 3*1. The proportion borne by the pelvic limb (femur, tibia, and pes) to the entire pectoral limb taken at 100, is 123*1. In the non-feline iEluroids it ranges from 94*4 (Crocuta) to 136*4 (Viverricula). In the Cats it may be 1131 or 136*4 (the Eyra), the average being 1194. In Viverra it is 127*9, and in the Dingo it is 114*6. Compared with other Arctoids, Procyon has the relatively longest 1 /. e. front margin of foramen magnum. |