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Show 1885.] INSECTS F R O M KILIMA-NJARO. 231 deckeni, Gerstaecker, which was described from a single female example found in this mountain. The species, however, proves to be a Calosoma, and not a Carabus, and is nearly allied to a species found in Abyssinia. There is a single specimen of one of the Trichiidae, which I have provisionally placed in the genus Calometopus, although the clypeus not being emarginate it is possible that a new genus may have to be made for its reception. I have named the species Calometopus planatus. There are only two species of this genus known, C. senegalensis and C. nyassce. The third species to which I would call attention is one of the Hete-romera of the family Moluridae. I have named it Melanolophus ater ; it appears to be most nearly allied to M. septemcostatus, described by Fairmaire in Revoil's' Faune et Flore des Pays Comalis,' but which, if I have correctly determined it, occurs also in Abyssinia. Of the species found at lower elevations the majority, so far as I have identified them, are only known from South-east Africa (e. g., Melyris parvula, Gerst., Himatismus buprestoides, Gerst., Amiantus castano-pterus, Haag, Sepidium muscorum, Gerst., Anomalipus heraldicus, Gerst., Mylabris kersteni, Gerst., Epicauta dichrocera, Gerst., Rho-palizus sansibaricus, Gerst., Phrissoma giganteum, Guerin) ; others are found in most parts of Africa (e. g., Calosoma senegalense, Dej., Oryctes boas, Fabr.). Of the new species which I describe, Scarabceus cribricollis has its nearest ally, so far as I know, in an Indian species S. sanctus, Fabr.; Amblysterna johnstoni is nearest to A. natalensis, Fabr. CARABID^E. C A R A B U S D E C K E N I , Gerst. This interesting species was described by Dr. Gerstaecker (Wiegm. Arch. f. Naturg., 1867, p. 10 ; Von der Decken's Reise in Ost- Africa, iii. p. 56, pi. iv. f. 2) from a single female example found by Dr. Kersten on Kilima-njaro at an elevation of 8000 feet. The two examples, male and female, found by Mr. Johnston differ from the female described by Dr. Gerstaecker in being rather smaller (only 13 millim. long), and, so far as one can judge from description, in having the elytra smoother with less impressed striae. Dr. Gerstaecker remarks on the fact of a species of Carabus being found in this locality, none ever having been found before in South Africa. The species, however, is not a Carabus, but a Calosoma, as is indicated by the compressed third joint of the antennae ; a character which Dr. Gerstaecker overlooked when he stated that the separate joints of the antennae are formed as in Carabus pumilio. SCARAB^ID^;. SCARABCEUS CRIBRICOLLIS, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 1.) Black, somewhat dull. Head closely and very strongly punctured, the punctures longitudinally confluent on the front of the clypeus, the anterior teeth of which are rather acute and moderately reflexed. 16* |