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Show 790 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 543 ; id. Cat. Cam. &c. Mam. B. M. p. 76 ; Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. vii. p. 35. Paguma trivirgata, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M . 1843, p. 55 Cantor, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 201 (nee Viverra trivirgata, Reinw.). Paradoxurus trivirgatus, Horsf. Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. Co. p. partim; Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. S. p. 47 ; id. Cat. Mam. Birds Burma, p. 26 (nee P. trivirgatus, Gray, 1832). Arctogale trivirgata, Grav, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 543 ; id. Cat. Cam. &c. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 75; Mivart, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 163, figs. 8 and 9. Paradoxurus prehensilis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681, pi. lxxi. (nee Viverra prehensilis, Blainv.). Length of skull 4*15 inches, zygomatic breadth 2*4, palate, length 2*3, breadth 1, breadth of brain-case behind postorbital processes 0*5. Hab. The Malay peninsula and Burma, as far north as Arakan; Sumatra, and Borneo. There is in the British-Museum collection a Bornean skull that appears to differ sufficiently from those of both A. trivirgata and A. leucotis to render the existence of a third species probable. After deducting the specific names above mentioned and restricting the genus, there remain, so far as I am aware, forty specific names to be assigned to the different distinguishable forms recognizable as pertaining to Paradoxurus. These forms appear to me to be eleven in number, but as there are several described types I have not been able to compare, I may have to correct this estimate. I have, however, been able to examine the majority of the types named by Dr. Gray, and all of Mr. Hodgson's. Of these eleven specific forms two are very imperfectly known- one, P. laniger, being founded upon a skin only, the other, P. ma-crodus, upon a skull alone ; but both these appear perfectly distinct from all others. Of the remaining nine, three, viz. P. larvatus, P. grayi, and P. leucomystax, form a very natural group, the genus Paguma. of Gray1, distinguished by the characters of the skull, the most important of which is the much greater production of the bony palate. The teeth, too, are somewhat smaller, the brain-case much less constricted behind the postorbital processes, and the frontal region more rounded. P. musschenbroeki differs greatly from all other species in its annulated tail. The skull is intermediate in form between the last-mentioned little group (Paguma) and typical Paradoxuri, but rather nearer to the former. The shape of the palate is peculiar. The remaining five species are very closely allied, and P. macrodus, so far as cranial characters go, is connected with them. Three of these forms, P. niger, P. hermaphroditus, and P. philippensis, are nearly related, and have such distinctly intermediate links, that it is a question whether they should be considered species or geographical races. The other two are well distinguished by external or 1 In his latest writirgs at least; formerly he included other species. |