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Show 330 MR. O. THOMAS ON THE RACES OF ECHIDNA. [Apr. 21, To commence with, the following List of specimens J^^ed j* given. The specimens will afterwards be merely referred to by tneir distinguishing letters:- Var. lawesi :- a. Adult skin, <j> . b. Ditto, ?. Ditto. Specimens. Port Moresby. Rev. W . G . Lawes. 85. 3. 24.11 Ditto. 1037, Liverpool Museum. Var. aculeata:- c-e. 3, 2> an<*yg- skin8- f. Imm. $ (in al.). g. Ad. sk. 3. h. Ad. 3 C>n al-)- i-m. Skins. n. Ad. sk. o. Ad. sk. Var. setosa:- p, q. 3 2 (inal-)- r-v. Skins. w, x. 2 3 (in al.). y. 3 (in al.). ,?. Ad. skin. a'. Ad., stuffed. //, c'. Ad. & yg., stuffed. d'. Yg. sk. tf. e'. Ad. 3, stuffed. 80 miles W . of Rock- Dr. 0. Lumholz Christiania Mus harapton, Queens- (Oo.-types of E. acanthion, Coll.) land. Queensland. Sir D. Cooper. Liverpool Ran ge.New J. Gould, Esq. South Wales. Port Stevens, New Dr. G. Bennett. South Wales. "No exact localities, probably New South Wales. York.West Australia. J. Gilbert, Esq. 66. 7. 3. 1. 41. 1163. 72. 11. 8. 1. West Australia. No exact localities, probablyTasmania. Tasmania. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. - Austin, Esq. Dr. Miiller. Jamrach. Capt. Mangles. Ditto. 44. 7. 9. 18. 56. 4. 7. 4. J. Gould, Esq. Gen. Hardwicke. Mr. Maddox. 64. 10. 1. 3-4. 69. 5. 21. 1-2. 112 5. 41. 1162 & 4. 112 a. 238 c, Liverpool Mus. Var. lawesi:- f, g'. Skulls of a & b. Var. aculeata:- h'-f. Skulls of c-e. Jc'-m'. Ditto, f-h. n'-o'. Ditto, k-l. p'. Skull. '. Ditto. Var. setosa:- r'-s'. Skulls of p & q. t'-w'. Skulls of v, w, d',&e'. x', y'. Skulls. z'. Imm. sk. Skulls. West Australia. Ad. skull. c". Ditto. Tasman's Peninsula, G. S. Baden- Tasmania. Powell, Esq. Tasmania. E. Gunn, Esq. d". Skull of r. 1017 g, d, & h. 1017 e &/. 1017 a. 1017 c 1006 c&d. 1006/, e, g, & 71, Liverpool Mus. 1006 a & b. 3957, Coll. Surg. 3955, Coll. Surg. 3952 & 3958, Coll. Surg. 1006 h. 1 Except where otherwise stated, these numbers refer to the registers in the Natural History Museum. |