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Show 414 DR. F. H. H. GUILLEMARD ON BIRDS COLLECTED [Apr. 21, Both the young birds have the throat white, and the forehead washed with chestnut. The white on the shoulder appears to become cobalt by gradual assumption of that colour in the feather, and not by moult. PITTA BAUDII, Mull. & Schleg. Pitta baudii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 243. Three ad. (S ?). Silam. Juv. (c? ?). Silam. ? (?). Silam. In none of these is there any note of the sex. The three adult birds are alike, except that in one the black nuchal collar is edged posteriorly with shining dark blue, thus forming a second collar of that colour. In the young bird the chin and upper throat are whiter, and the rest of the under surface rufescent, darker on the breast, and with some dark-blue feathers in the median line and on the flanks. Above, the head and nape are light brown, and the uropygium dark grey. The feathers of the back and scapulars are umber-brown, with the base dark grey. A few red feathers of the new moult are seen appearing irregularly here and there, especially in the scapular region. The fifth example differs greatly from the others. On the upper surface the head is rufous, merging gradually on the back into the same shade of red as is seen in the adult male. Beneath, the throat is whitish, and the rest of the under surface a uniform buffish tint, the feathers black at the base. Bill brown ; lores and sides of face fawn-colour. The above individual has no appearance of immaturity, and I believe it to be the female. No allusion to any sexual differences of plumage is, however, made by Schlegel (Mus. Pays-Bas), Salvadori (Ucc. di Born.), or Elliot (Monog. Pittidae). PITTA SCHWANERI, Temm. Pitta schwaneri, Salvad. op. cit. p. 243. Two(c? ?). Silam. 2 (vetjuv.). Silam. The last example differs from the others in having the under surface buff, not yellow, but barred with bluish-black as in the adult male. The blue abdomen is replaced by greyish feathers tinged with rufous, which have lavender reflections in certain lights. Sinciput and vertex brown, with three or four longitudinal black stripes ; supraocular stripe fawn-coloured in its anterior, yellow in its posterior half; subocular and auricular feathers black, tipped with fawn ; occiput black. The bird is apparently mature. GERYGONE FLAVEOLA, Cab. Sandakan, one specimen. This example corresponds in every way with those obtained at Meim-bun during the visit of the ' Marchesa ' to Sulu Island. It is slightly paler than Celebes skins; the lores are brownish white, and the external rectrices have no white on the outer web as in G. sulphurea. |