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Show 502 DR. F. H. H. GUILLEMARD ON BIRDS COLLECTED [May 19, characterized bv the absence of rufous on the under surface. The other, a Zosterops, coexists on the island with another of the same genus (Z. brunneicauda). 1. CACATUA SULPHUREA, Vieillot. Cacatua sulphurea, Schleg. Mus. Pavs-Bas, 5m e livr. p. 137 (1864); id. ibid. llme livr. p. 66 (1874); Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. viii. pt. 2, 1872, p. 30. Plissolophus cristatus, Reichenow, Consp. Psittac. p. 29 (1882). Hab. Celebes (Forsten) ; Flores and Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard, Reinwardt) ; Timor (S. Miiller). a, b. 6*. Bima, Sumbawa. c. 2 • Bima, Sumbawa. Iris brown; bill black; feet and tarsus black. Length 35*1 centims. ; wing 23*0 centims. The sulphur colour is irregularly distributed on the forehead, ear-coverts, cheeks, and throat. This species was met with in flocks on the Sumbawa river. 2. GEOFFROYUS JUKESI, G. R. Gray. Geoffroyus jukesii, Wall. P.Z.S. 1863, p. 484; Reichenow, Consp. Psitt. p. 137 (1882.) Eclectus personatus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 1 Ime livr. p. 18 (partim). Hab. Timor and Flores (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard). a-d. S • Bima, Sumbawa. e, f. 2 • Bima, Sumbawa. Iris lemon-yellow ; bill scarlet, yellowish at tip ; feet greyish olive. Length 24,8-25v") centims.; wing 16*2-16*7 centims. : bill of female brown ; other soft parts as in male ; wing 14-8-15*3 centims. The under wing-coverts and subalars are bright cobalt in some, in others more greenish. I have retained Gray's specific name, as the present examples seemed nearest to Flores individuals; but they do not appear to me to be really separable from Timor and other birds. 3. TRICHOGLOSSUS FORSTENI, Bonaparte. Trichoglossus forsteni, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 5m e livr. p. Ill (1864); id. ibid. llme livr. p. 46 (1874); Reichenow, Consp. Psittac. 1882, p. 93. Hab. Sumbawa (Forsten, Guillemard^). a. $ • Bima, Sumbawa. Bill red, yellow at tip; feet olive-green. Length of wing 13*7 centims. 4. HALIASTUR INTERMEDIUS, Gurney. Haliastur intermedius, Gurney, Ibis, 1865, p. 28; id. 1866, p. 247; Wardlaw Ramsay, Orn. Works Tweedd. p. 655. Hab. Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes, Java, "Timor group " (Salvad.) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). a, Guuong Api I., Sumbawa. |