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Show 1885.] OF BOMBAY AND THE DECCAN. 305 127. NlSAGA SIMPLEX. Nisaga simplex, Walker, iv. p. 885. Sattara, June. The female in this genus only differs from the male in having very slightly narrower fore wings, and antennae perhaps a little less deeply pectinated ; but ,the difference, if any, is very little. 128. NISAGA MODESTA. Nisaga modesta, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 373. Bombay, August ; Sattara, June; Poona, April. Both the above appear in great quantities at a time. 129. TRABALA VISHNU. $. Gastropacha vishnu, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 207 (1827). 3 • Amy dona prasina, Walker, vi. p. 1417. Bombay, March and August. 130. LENODORA VITTATA. Lasiocampa vittata, Walker, vi. p. 1440. Poona, November. 131. TARAGAMA GANESA. 6*. Bombyx ganesa, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 211 (1827). 2 • Bombyx siva, I. c. p. 210. Poona, July, November, and December. Larvae feed on Acacia arabica, 3^ inches in length, very hairy, with down quite close to the skin ; colour grey ; night-feeders, hide during the day in crevices in the bark of the tree; larval stage 50 to 56 days ; spins on the twig of some low bush near the foot of its food-tree or on a neighbouring wall, apparently never in the tree itself; pupal stage 21 to 24 days. 132. TRISULA VARIEGATA. (Plate XXI. fig. 7, pupa.) Trisula variegata, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. ii. p. 420, pi. xii a. f. 1. Poona, October ; Bombay, October to December. Two fully-grown larvae were reared by m e on the castor-oil plant ; left off eating on the 4th October, 1883 ; one turned pupa on the 25th of the following month, and the imago emerged on the 22nd December, 1883; the other caterpillar hybernated and lost all its hairs after spinning a delicate slight cocoon ; in this state I brought the insect home from Bombay, looking at it once a fortnight, for which purpose I cut off one end of the cocoon, and kept it covered with cotton ; and though rather shrivelled, it was quite lively, and in this state the larva remained until last September, when it turned into a healthy |