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Show 1885.] COLEOPTERA F R O M JAPAN. 191 double rows of black punctures, their apex produced in a spine ; apex of the femora, tibiae, and tarsi spotted with black. Length 2 lines. Head deeply triangularly grooved between the eyes. Antennae half the length of the body, black ; the second and third joints short, of equal length, fourth slightly longer, the two terminal joints slender and the longest. Thorax subquadrate, nearly as long as broad, the sides straight or slightly concave from before the middle to the base, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, the space immediately behind the former thickened; surface impunctate, the anterior margin and three deeply impressed longitudinal grooves on the disk black; of these, the central one is straight and does not extend to the base, the lateral are oblique and extend to the posterior angles ; a few punctures are also seen in front of the base. Scutellurn elongate, black, covered with fine silky pubescence. Elytra slightly depressed below the base, the intervals between the five black double rows of punctures raised, and as broad as the space between each two single rows ; the apex of each elytron truncate and produced at the outer angle in along testaceous spine ; posterior first tarsal joint as long as the two following ones united ; each joint as well as the extreme apex of the tibiso and femora spotted with black ; the very long claw-joint also stained with piceous at its apex. Bukenji, April; in a pond. The single specimen obtained by Mr. Lewis of this interesting little Hamonia will enter Lacordaire's second division on account of the long first tarsal joint, and the short and equal second and third joints of the antennae. The insect is well distinguished by the shining, not opaque thorax, and by the addition of the central black groove on the disk of the latter. By this last character it m a y be at once separated from H. equiseti, to which it seems otherwise closely allied. Genus DONACIA, Fabr. DONACIA GRACILIPES, Sp. nOV. Elongate, depressed above, narrowed behind, of a metallic bronze colour; below covered with silvery pubescence. Thorax square-shaped, covered with fine transverse strigae; elytra obliquely depressed below the base, strongly punctate-striate, the interstices transversely wrinkled throughout; posterior femora with a short tooth. Length 3-41 lines. Head less shining, covered with fine pubescence, the space above the antennae raised in shape of two more or less distinct tubercles ; vertex without longitudinal groove. Antennae nearly as long as the body, the basal joint metallic, the rest black ; the third and the two following joints of equal length, double as long as the second (in some specimens the fourth joint is slightly longer than the preceding). Thorax square-shaped, the sides constricted near the base, moderately thickened into a kind of callosity near the anterior angles, these latter with a short pointed tubercle, furnished with a |