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Show 806 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, P. rubidus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xxvii. p. 275 (1858); id. Cat. Mam. A. S. p. 48. This is the largest species of the genus except P. musschenbroeki. Tail about three quarters the length of the head and body. Colour in general rufescent brown, paler below ; underfur greyish yellow at the base, the longer hairs bright rufous, and the tips dusky or black. The terminal portion of the tail is black, the feet dark brown, hind neck and back between the shoulders blackish. The forehead and a broad band passing in front of each ear whitish, and sometimes the whole face (P. ogilbyi), but generally the muzzle as far as the eyes is brown. Some skins are much more red than others. Vibrissa? white, a few of the shorter above black. Dimensions. The only trustworthy measurement I can find is by Cantor, who gives head and body 27 inches, tail 20. Skull about 5 inches long. Distribution. The Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and probably some of the other Malay Islands, but not Java. Synonymy. The Amblyodon dore of Jourdan was identified with this species by De Blainville, and the description of the coloration agrees with this species and not with P. grayi. If, as stated by- Gray, his P.jourdanii was probably founded on the same specimen, that name also falls into the synonymy. There is nothing in the description antagonistic to this view. P. ogilbyi of Fraser was identified with this species by Gray, and, I believe, correctly. P. auratus was merely the Latin equivalent of M . Jourdan's Ambliodon dore. Lastly, the description of P. rubidus, Blyth, presents no differences from P. leucomystax, and must, I think, be that of a redder variety than usual. 10. PARADOXURUS MUSSCHENBROEKI. Paradoxurus musschenbroeki, Schlegel, Notes on the Leyden Museum, i. p. 43 ; Jentink, ib. v. p. 178. Tail about three quarters the length of the head and body. Fur soft and short. Skull resembling that of P. hermaphroditus rather more than that of P. grayi or P. leucomystax above, but with the bony palate produced as in the latter for some distance (0*35 inch in the specimen examined) behind a line drawn through the hinder edges of the last molars. The mesopterygoid fossa is narrow, the posterior opening of the alisphenoid canal further back than in other species, and close to the orifice of the foramen lacerum medium. The skull examined is imperfect behind and the bullee wanting. Teeth large, the molars rounded, inner lobe of upper sectorial very large ; fourth lower premolar with a high principal cusp. But the most remarkable peculiarity of the skull and dentition is that the rows of upper premolars and molars, instead of diverging greatly behind, as in all other Paradoxuri, are nearly parallel, the hinder part of the palate being proportionately much narrower than in other species of the genus. The distance between the anterior |