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Show 462 LIEUT.-COL. C. SWINHOE ON THE LEPIDOPTERA [May 5, 114. ANOPHIA OLIVESCENS. Anophia olivescens, Guenee, Noct. iii. 48,1379. Poona, October ; Bombay, October. A rather variable insect; the white patch on the fore wings is sometimes large, sometimes small, and often absent, and when present its position varies in almost every specimen. HYPOCALIDTE. 115. HYPOCALA EFFLORESCENS. Hypocala efflorescens, Guenee, Noct. iii. 77, 1423. Bombay. EREBIID^E. 116. NYCTIPAO CREPUSCULARIS. Phalana-Attacus crepuscularis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2811, 13. Belgaum. 117. ANISONEURA SALEBROSA. Anisoneura salebrosa, Guenee, Noct. iii. 161, 1552. Poona. OMMATOPHORID^E. 118. PATULA MACROPS. Phalana-Noctua macrops, Linn. Syst. Nat. 225. Bombay, August to December. 119. ARGIVA HIEROGLYPHICA. 2 Phalana (Noctua) hieroglyphica, Drury, Ins. Exot. ii. 3, pi. 2. fig. 1. <$ Noctua Ulula, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 211, 19. Belgaum ; Poona, June, August, and October; Bombay, August to November. Very common in Bombay. 120. ARGIVA CAPRIMULGUS. Noctua caprimulgus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 210, 6. Khandalla, March. 121. SERICIA ANOPS. Sericia anops, Guenee, Noct. iii. 173, 1564. Khandalla, April; Belgaum. 122. E N T O M O G R A M M A TORSA. Entomoyramma torsa, Guenee, Noct. iii. 204, 1605. Poona ; Bombay. 123. HOM^EA CLATHRUM. Homaa clathrum, Walker, xiv. 1334. Bombay. |