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Show 752 MR. M. JACOBY O N T H E [NOV. 3, punctured than the head but not very closely. Scutellum obscure fulvous. Elytra strongly punctate-striate anteriorly, with a depression below the base, the shoulders prominent, the interstices rather convex at the sides and with a single row of very fine punctures; the disk of the elytra (in shape of a longitudinal band) fulvous, the sutural and lateral margin dark greenish-piceous extreme lateral margin metallic green, accompanied by a single row of deep punctures. The four posterior tibiae emarginate at their apices ; claws appendi-culate. Hitoyoshi. This species cannot be considered one of the many varieties of iV. ceneipenne, Motsch., on account of the totally different punctuation of the thorax and the elytra; but I am greatly inclined to believe that N. varicolor is equally variable in regard to its coloration. NODOSTOMA CONSIMILE, Baly. I am much inclined to believe that this species is but one of the varieties of N. flavo-pustulatum, Baly, although the latter is generally smaller, and has the thorax less deeply and strongly punctured. I find, however, both species placed on the same card and bearing the one name N. consimile in the author's handwriting. NODOSTOMA JAPONICUM, Jacoby. A further examination of this species proves to me that the insect described by myself under the above name is but a black variety of N. balyi, Har., with which it agrees in everything but the colour of the elytra, the head and sometimes the anterior thoracic margin alone remaining of the general fulvous colour. LEPROTES PULVERULENTUS, Jac. The species published by myself under this name is identical with Lypesthes ater, Motsch., of which I have compared a specimen in Mr. Baly's collection (now in the British Museum); Motschulsky was not aware of the powdery white excrescence which covers the elytra of this species in its natural state ; the name of " ater" applies therefore only to rubbed specimens, and misled me in describing the species. I append a complete list of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, with references to those species mentioned in this and my former communication. LIST OF THE PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA OF JAPAN. ILEMONIA, Latr. japana, Jacoby., p. 190. DONACIA, Fabr. seraria, Baly. simplex, Fabr. gracilipes, Jac, p. 191. constricticollis, Jac, p. 192. sericea, L. var. sibirica, Solsky ? SYNETA, Lacord. adamsi, Baly. LEMA, Fabr. concinnipennis, Baly. diversa, Baly. lewisii, Baly. coronata, Baly. honorata, Baly. fortunei, Baly. puncticollis, Curtis. dilecta, Baly. flavipes, Suffr. downesii, Baly. |