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Show 518 MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W HETEROCERA. [May 19 PLATE XXXI. Fig. 9. Longitudinal median dorso-ventral section through the inferior extremity of the stem : ms, median septum, dividing the inner cavity into a dorsal and ventral channel. 10. Section of the same series, but more lateral: sp, calcareous spicules. 11. Direct continuation of the terminal disk a into the sclerenchyma si . (fiS-9)* 12. Transverse section through the middle of the stem. Appearance ot two additional lateral channels, 11. 13. The same through the lower portion of the rhachis: dl, dorsal, vl, ventral channel; p, polyp-cell with two internal supports ; /, ventral furrow ; p.s, radially situated spaces. 14. The red-coloured calcareous spicules. 4. Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, chiefly from South America. By H E R B E R T DRUCE, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Eeceived May 4, 1885.] (Plates XXXII. & XXXIII.) The following descriptions are all taken from specimens in my own collection. They mostly relate to species brought home by Mr. C. Buckley from Ecuador ; to these I have added descriptions of some recent acquisitions from various localities. AGARISTIDiE. EUSEMIA, Dalman. EUSEMIA OPHELTES, Sp. n. Primaries deep black with a metallic streak across the middle of the cell, and a second wider streak on the discocellulars ; the outer margin from the apex to the anal angle broadly banded with snow-white : secondaries glossy deep blue, in some lights shot with greenish reflections ; the outer margin broadly banded with white from the apex to the inner margin; the underside the same as above. Thorax and abdomen bluish black ; collar white ; head and antennae black ; palpi and under front of thorax bright orange. Expanse 3| inches. Hab. North Burmah. This grand insect belongs to the E. albomarginata group of Eusemia and comes nearest E. fimbriata, Boisd., from which it is at once distinguished by the broad snow-white margins to the wings. C H ALCOSIlD*. AMESIA, Westwood. AMESIA HYALA, sp. n. Primaries uniform dark brown, with eight white spots beyond the cell, placed the same as in A. euplocoides, but without the blue spots on the costal margin and at the base as in that species; the extreme ends of the nerves on the outer margin marked by a few |