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Show 750 MR. M. J A C O B Y O N T H E [Nov. 3, lection has proved to me. That A. armata ought to be placed in another genus has already been mentioned somewhere by Herr von Harold. AENIDEA TIBIALIS, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 8.) Fulvous ; antenna? fuscous ; elytra black, shining, impunctate. Length 2-3 lines. Head impunctate, deeply grooved between the antennae ; the frontal tubercles strongly developed ; carina short and broad; the A 1 penultimate joint of the maxillary palpi incrassate. Antennae nearly as long as the body, slender, the second joint very short, the others rather strongly curved in the male but straight in the female, fuscous or obscure fulvous, their edges covered with rather long pubescence. Thorax transversely subquadrate, the sides straight and narrowed at the base, slightly rounded in front; surface with a transverse fovea at each side, impunctate, fulvous. Scutellum piceous or fulvous. Elytra wider at the base than the thorax, parallel, shining, impunctate. Underside and legs fulvous or flavous, the posterior tibiae of the male furnished with a short appendage at the apex; the metatarsus as long as the three following joints together. Anterior coxal cavities closed. Nara, Kobe, Maiyasan, Nikko. The joints of the antenna? in the male show a curious curvature, and the extreme base of the lower ones is colourless so as to appear almost unconnected with each preceding joint. The thorn-like appendage at the posterior tibia? in the same sex is another peculiarity of this species, which in coloration partly resembles A. abdominalis, Baly. When viewed under a very strong lens, the elytra are seen to be finely granulate with some more distinct punctures. This insect has the typical incrassate terminal joint of the palpi. Genus ARTHROTUS, Motsch. The structural characters of this genus have never to my knowledge been properly pointed out. Chapuis, in his ' Genera des Coleopt.,' placed the genus amongst those whose place was doubtful, and gave no particulars respecting it. An examination of the two species described by Mr. Baly from Japan proves Arthrotus to be nearly allied to Antipha, Baly. (If it was identical with the last-named genus the author of the latter would not have placed the Japanese species in Motschulsky's genus.) The only difference I can find, however, between the two genera seems to be the more narrowly transverse thorax of Arthrotus, the anterior angles of which are acute and produced slightly outwards. The anterior coxal cavities are closed, the tibiae unarmed, the first joint of the posterior tarsi is nearly as long as the three following together, the claws are appendiculate, and the second and third joints of the antenna? subequal (in the type, A. niger, Motsch., they are described as equal and very short). Anyhow Arthrotus would find its place in Chapuis's twenty-second group. J |