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Show 1885.] LEPIDOPTERA FROM SOMALI-LAND. 759 bipupillated orange-zoned ocellus, oval with bluish pupils in male, rounded with white pupils in the female ; a slender blackish submarginal line: secondaries with two unipupillated, rufous-zoned, black, rounded ocelli on the median interspaces ; female with a larger, but less widely zoned, indistinct ocellus on the first subcostal interspace and a small ocellus near the anal angle ; submarginal line as in the primaries. Below, the primaries in the male are as above, but in the female the rufous patch is outlined with darker rufous and within this line, towards apex, it becomes grey; there is also a spot at the end of the cell and an oblique line in the cell of the same colour, and the submarginal line is rufous; the secondaries in both sexes are rufous at base of costa, those of the male have five ocelli, black, unipupillated, with rufous-edged fulvous irides ; one of these is subapical, two on the median interspaces, and two, smaller, on the interno-median interspace ; in the female there are four ocelli, there being only one on the interno-median interspace ; there are, however, two red dots or rudimentary ocelli between the first and second true ocelli; the entire base of the secondaries is rufous, and there are two irregularly angulated parallel rufous lines which do not exist in the male, also a dot in the cell and an oblique dash at its extremity ; the male has two blackish submarginal lines and the female two red ones; pectus of female red at the sides. Expanse of wings, cS 33 mm., $ 38 mm. One pair only.-Thrupp. 5. PRECIS LIMNORIA. Vanessa limnoria, Klug, Symb. Phys. pi. 48. figs. 6, 7 (1845). Vanessa naib, Guerin, in Lefebvre's Voy. Abyss, vi. pi. 11. fig. 2 (1849). One female, somewhat shattered.-Thrupp. 6. JUNONIA CREBRENE. Junonia crebrene, Dunning, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. 524(Three females.-Thrupp. 7. HYPANIS ILITHYIA. Papilio ilithyia, Drury, 111. Exot. Ent. ii. pi. 17. figs. 1, 2 (1773). 6 ? .-Thrupp. 8. HYPANIS CASTANEA, sp. n. o*. Coloration above of H. ilithyia and allies, but the oblique black patch at the end of the cell of primaries widely separated from the oblique band which starts from inner margin and continuous with the submarginal band instead ; the latter band also narrower; the subapical costal patch cuneiform, veins and margins very slenderly black ; secondaries without the central series of black spots, and with the discal band of only half the width, leaving the sub-marginal spots large and almost quadrate : primaries below differing much as above ; secondaries with the basal, praemedian, and discal |