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Show 722 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE LNoV* 3> Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles rather obsolete ; antennae more than half the length of the body, entirely fulvous, the second and third joints short and equal, the following joints not much longer. Thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides straight, the anterior angles oblique, surface rather convex, the basilar groove deep and bounded at the sides by an equally deep longitudinal groove ; within the former a transverse row of punctures is placed ; the rest of the disk is impunctate. Scutellum very small. Elytra narrowed and pointed at their apices, finely and regularly punctate-striate, the punctuation nearly absent at the apices. Legs and underside fulvous. Kashiwagi. Much smaller than C. lewisi; the sides of the thorax straight, the punctuation more regular, and the antennae and legs entirely fulvous. From G.ferruginea, Scop., the species is distinguished by the impunctate thorax, the finer punctuation of the elytra, and the smaller size. CREPIDODERA L^EVICOLLIS, sp. nov. Ovate, very convex, dark fulvous ; antennae and legs light fulvous; thorax impunctate ; elytra very finely punctate-striate, the interstices flat. Length 1| line. Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles very obsolete, the space between the antennae with a rather deep groove ; antennae entirely light fulvous, more than half the length of the body, the third joint one half longer than the second. Thorax transverse, the sides rounded at the middle, somewhat narrowed at the base ; the basilar groove straight, deep, and bounded at the sides by a still deeper longitudinal groove; surface entirely impunctate, with the exception of a few punctures within the basilar sulcation. Elytra very convex, the punctuation fine and here and there irregular on account of some extra punctures, the striae more obsolete but yet visible to the apex, the latter of somewhat lighter colour than the rest of the surface ; the first joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the two following joints together. Oiwake. A single specimen. This species may be compared with C. exoleta, Fabr., and O. interpunctata, Motsch., from both of which it differs sufficiently to merit a specific name ; the interstices are here flat, not convex as in G. exoleta, in which the head and thorax are also finely punctured. The impunctate thorax and darker colour in general separate the present species from that of Motschulsky; the larger size and rounded sides of the thorax from G. recticollis. CREPIDODERA ACUMINATA, sp. nov. Oblong, narrowed behind, fulvous ; head and thorax impunctate; elytra finely and regularly punctate-striate. Length 1 line. Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles obsolete but visible, nearly |