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Show 1885.] GENUS PARADOXURUS. 737 these were P. ogilbyi, locality unknown, in 1849 by Fraser, in his 1 Zoologia Typica '* P. setosus, from Ceram, by Hombron and Jacquinot, in the 'Voyage au Pole Sud' ; P. crassiceps, by Pucheran in 1855 ; P. montanus, Kelaart, by Blyth, in 1851 ; P. rubidus, by Blyth, in 1858; and P. strictus and P. quadriscriptus, by Hodgson, in 1855. In Horsfield's ' Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the East-India Company,' published in 1851, the following species were enumerated:-Paradoxurus typus, P. musanga, P. prehensilis, P. trivirgatus, P. pallasii, P. finlaysonii, P. leucotis, Paguma grayi, and P. bondar. Of these P. leucotis, Blyth, was new. Temminck, in his ' Esquisses Zoologiques sur la Cote de Guinee,' which appeared in 1853, gave a fresh list of the species comprised in this genus. In this list two additional names were added to those previously enumerated as valid in his monograph ; these were P. ogilbyi and P. stigmaticus, the latter described from Borneo in the ' Esquisses.' Giebel's ' Siiugethiere ' (1859) contained accounts of nine specific forms : P. leucopus, P. larvatus, P. philippensis, P. leucomystax, P. bondar, P. typus, P. musanga, P. trivirgatus, and P. binotatus. Some caustic remarks, not more severe than the occasion demanded, were added upon the mere nominal species invented by Dr. Gray and others. In Gray's Monographs of 1864 (P. Z. S,)and 1869 (Cat. Cam. &c. M a m m . B.M.) two additional names are introduced : P. fasciatus instead of P. musanga, founded, but erroneously, as shown by Alston \ on Desmarest's Viverra fasciata, and P. macrodus. P. fuscus of Kelaart is also mentioned under P. zeylanicus, but no such specific name was used by Kelaart, who only called the form P. zeylanicus var. fuscus. Some other M S . names are enumerated as synonyms ; the only one of any importance is P. leucocephalus, Gray, 'Voy. Samarang,' quoted under P. leucomystax. I cannot find any notice of the species in the work named. Blyth's ' Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum Asiatic Society' (Calcutta, 1863), contained the following names, with synonymy, of species represented in the collection :-P. musanga (inclusive of P. typus), P. zeylanicus, P. trivirgatus, P. leucotis, P. laniger (?), P. leucomystax, P. grayi, and P. rubidus. In Jerdon's 'Mammals of India' (1867), the only species described are P. musanga, P. grayi, and P. bondar, but Cingalese, Assamese, and Burmese forms are omitted. From Burma Blyth, in the List of Mammals published in 18/5, records P. grayi, P. musanga, P. trivirgatus, and P. leucotis. The only species included in Mr. Swinhoe's list of the mammals of Southern China (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 630) is P. larvatus. Adding to the above list the few names recently given, we have thus a grand total of no less than forty-nine specific terms given by i P. Z. S. 1879, p. 666. |