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Show 1885.] DURING THE VOYAGE OF THE YACHT ' MARCHESA.' 563 6. GEOFFROYUS CYANICOLLIS (S. Mull.). Geoffroyus cyanicollis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 191. a-c. 8 . Batchian. d-g. 2 - Batchian. h> i- 8 yjuv. Batchian. k, I. 8 . Sidangoli, Halmaheira. m-o. 2 - Sidangoli. Iris pale yellow; bill black, maxilla of 8 red ; feet dull olive-green. Length 28*2-29*5 centims.; wing 17*0-18*2 centims. The Halmaheira birds have the head much brighter than those from Batchian, and in the female the collar is of a lighter blue, as are also the under wing-coverts. In the series of over fifty examples in Salvadori's collection only one, and that a female, is from Batchian. It appears to me, however, that a larger series might prove the birds from the latter locality to be separable. It is worthy of remark that in the individuals h, i the feathers of the back and uropygium are red-browm, as is the case in G. obiensis. Neither bird is, however, in quite mature plumage. 7. GEOFFROYUS OBIENSIS (Finsch). Geoffroyus obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 193. a. 8 • Obi Major. b, c. 2- Obi Major. Iris yellow; bill black, maxilla in 8 red ; feet olive-grey. Size rather smaller than G. cyanicollis. The red-brown rump has been given as the distinguishing characteristic of this species, but, as already noticed, it was also present in two examples of G. cyanicollis from Batchian. Salvadori does not mention, however, what seems to be a marked feature of distinction between the two species. In the male of G. obiensis the blue of the head does not pass backward much beyond the vertex ; it ends abruptly, and the occiput is bluish-green. In like manner in the female the bluish-brown is confined to the vertex, and the dark mask thus extends to a very short distance only behind the eye. 8. ECLECTUS RORATUS (P. L. S. Mull.). Eclectus roratus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 206. a-d. 8. Batchian. (Length 40*7-41*0 centims.; wing 27*0- 27*3 centims.) e-k. 2 • Batchian. (Length 38*2-43*0 centims. ; wing 24*5- 6*1 centims.) I, m. 2 • Ternate. Iris yellow in both sexes in the Batchian birds. Bill of female black ; bill of male rosy red, yellowish at the tip ; mandible black ; tarsus black or dirty brown. These birds, though caught and kept in confinement in considerable numbers, appear rarely to get tame, and I have never heard them talk. |