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Show 1885.] DURING THE VOYAGE OF THE YACHT 'MARCHESA.' 625 Iris yellow, brown in the young bird; bill black, greenish 1 owish at base of lower mandible; tarsus chrome-yellow. Length of example b, 33*4 centims. ; wing 20*5 centims. None of the above are in perfect plumage. 38. CHRYSOCOCCYX MEYERI (Salvad.). Lamprococcyx meyerii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 346. a. 2- Arfak. Bill black; feet ash-coloured. Wing 9*4 centims. This individual has the whole sinciput chestnut, which was found to be the case in the only six females examined by Salvadori, though the colour was more restricted in some cases than in others. It is therefore not improbable that it is a constant sexual peculiarity. 39. .? EUDYNAMIS RUFIVENTER (Less.). Eudynamis rufiventer, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 368. a. 8 ad. Traitors Islands (N. of Jobi I.). b. 3 (?). Traitors Islands. c. 8 (?)• Traitors Islands. d. $ . Waigiou. The above birds were all obtained from Mr. Bruijn of Ternate, and are unaccompanied by notes on the colour of the soft parts. The first, a, is a male in full plumage ; b, also marked 3, has the head, neck, and interscapulars shining bluish green, the rest of the back and wings spotted with white, the tail barred with rufous-white. The chin and throat are black, the upper breast rufescent, and the whole of the rest of the under surface white, barred with black. Example c, from the same locality, differs from the last in having the upper surface spotted indiscriminately with white and rufous, and the whole under surface rufous barred with black. The last individual, d, from Waigiou, has the upper surface spotted viith rufous ; the under parts rufous barred with black. The diagnostic points given by Salvadori- "fcemina supra albo-maculata ; gastraeo albido .. E. cyanocephala." " fcemina supra rufo-maculata; gastraeo rufescente. E. rufiventer." are thus inapplicable. 40. NESOCENTOR MENEBIKI (Garn.). Nesocentor menebiki, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 377. a. 8 • Mysol. b. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. c. 2 • Dorei. Iris red, in the Dorei bird yellow, with an outer ring of brown; bill yellowish, dark at the base ; feet dark horn-colour. Length 65*5-66*4 centims., wing 20-23. 41. RHYTIDOCEROS PLICATUS (Penn.). Rhytidoceros plicatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 392. a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 6. 2 • Momos. |