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Show 546 DRS. FINSCH AND TtARTLACB ON [Nov. 25, 5. MYIOLESTES HEINEI, II. sp. Five specimens. Diagn.-Supra olivaceo-fuscescens, uropygio nonnihil rufescente, remigibus obsolete fuscis, dorsi colore marginatis; superciliis, capitis lateribus, gutture pectoreque sordide cinereis; lateribus cinerascentibus ; abdomine medio et subcaudalibus albidis subalaribus cineraceis; regione inter nares et oculos latius nigricante, parotica obscure fusca ; rectricibus 4 mediis dorso subconcoloribus, lateralibus macula apicali alba ; rostro nigricante, tomiis albidis ; pedibus nigricantibus. Long. tot. 7"_7" 2'" rostr. 9'" al. 3" 6'" caud. 2" 6'" tars. 10'" There is a slight rufous hue in the colour of the back ; the blackish colour of the loral region is a little continued under the eye; the white apical spot of the lateral rectrices becomes smaller towards the middle of the tail, and on the fourth it is only a broad margin. In the adult bird this white apical spot is not confined to the inner beard; it extends more or less on the outer, and even in the fourth feather it is still visible there. In one specimen only the first lateral tail-feather has the white final portion extended over both beards; in the others it is apparent only on the inner one. The shafts of the wing-feathers are black. The chin more or less darkens into blackish. Jun. av.-The beak is nearly uniformly dark, with very narrow brownish tomial margins. The end of the tail-feathers is pale, the apical spot not being distinctly discernible. Long. al. rostr. a fr. caud. tars. dig. med. 3"5'"-3"8'" 8^-9'" 2"9'"-3" 0'" 101-11'" 6f-7'" (ad.) 3 4 9 2 10 11 7 (jun.) It is not at all impossible that this bird may finally turn out to be the Pacific Thrush of Latham (Turduspacificus, Gm.), a species which was described from a specimen in the collection of Sir J. Banks, and which was said to have come from the Tonga Islands. But the description as given by Latham is so short and incomplete*, that we do not feel justified in referring it with sufficient probability to the present bird. 6. LALAGE TERAT, Bodd. ; Finsch et Hartl. I. c. p. 80. Four specimens. An adult bird agrees in every respect with our description; three others are younger individuals, and have the feathers of the upper parts with paler margins. Long. rostr. al. caud. tars. 6" 6" 6'" 3" 6'"-3" 9'" 2" 3"'-2" 5'" 10-12'" 6 0 3 5 2 3 Hi (jun.) The Tonga Islands are a new habitat for this species. * "Cinereus; corpore subtus genisque fuscescente-albis; loris obscuris; cauda nigra, apice alba. Long.\ 5"" t6v' "»- |