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Show 1869.] ANATOMY OF PROTELES. 491 ORGANS OF GENERATION. The penis is large and cylindrical, supported for rather more than half its length along the hinder part of the underside of the abdomen by a rather lax fold of skin. The terminal part (nearly 2 inches in length) is free and pendulous, and covered with a prepuce having a thin, delicate, and nearly white hairless integument. The entire length of the penis in its relaxed state is rather more than 4 inches ; its diameter nearly uniform throughout, *6". The glans (fig. 9) is a flattened cone, without distinct corona. The upper surface is obliquely Fig. 9. Dorsal surface of glans penis; natural size. m. Meatus urinarius. bevelled towards the apex, and presents a median slit, bordered by a pair of puckered, soft, dark-red lips. W h e n these are separated (as in fig. 9 ), a conical body of cartilaginous hardness is disclosed. The rounded apex and dorsal ridge of this are white, smooth, and shining; the sides are pink, and beset with very minute white horny tubercles. Immediately under the apex of this body, which projects directly forwards, is the orifice of the urethra (ni), wide enough to admit a large probe. The outer surface of the glans is covered with very minute recurved spines, except near the margins of the median dorsal fissure. There is an indistinct raphe below, but no fraenum. The skin covering the under surface of the hinder part of the penis, . immediately in front of the scrotum, is raised somewhat, for a space of 1" in length and *7" in width, by a pair of oblong clusters of yellowish sebaceous glands, placed close to the middle line, but with a narrow non-glandular interval between them. The scrotum is nearly naked. It forms a very slight prominence ; but the outline of the two testes can just be distinguished through the skin. These are in contact posteriorly, but separated in front. Each is somewhat pyriform, with the smaller end forwards, 1" long and *6" in greatest diameter, with a rather small subglobular epididymis attached to the larger or posterior extremity. |