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Show 504 DR. A. GUNTHER ON INDIAN REPTILES. [Nov. II, by about fifteen large, smooth, imbricate, obtusely pointed scales, in five transverse series of three each. Colour yellow, each of the vertebral and costal plates with a black margin in front and on the sides, but without black on the hinder margin. Each marginal plate with a black margin in front. Sternum entirely yellow, with a broad cuneiform longitudinal black band in the middle of each abdominal plate. The shell of the single specimen, obtained in Sindh, is 4J inches long. A\1SO the limbs and the skull are preserved. EMYS GRAYI. (Plate XXXVIII.) Form.-Shell much depressed, with an obtuse median ridge along all the vertebral plates ; no costal ridge (in the adult). The upper shell is subtruncated anteriorly, and provided with a very small notch posferiorly. Lateral margins slightly reverted, posterior not serrated, Width of the sternum between the axillary and inguinal incisions equal and more than one-half of its length. Sternum truncated in front, and with a deep, obtuse-angular incision behind. Plates.-The areolae have disappeared, but there is still a large fontanelle visible in the middle of the sternum. Nuchal plate broad, quadrangular, broader behind than in front. All the vertebrals broader than long; the first quadrangular, with the front margin convex, and with the hinder straight. Caudal plates nearly square. Gulars longer than broad, the suture between them being much longer than that between the postgulars. Postgulars, pectorals, and abdominals nearly equally long, but much shorter than praeanals. The suture between the anais is rather shorter than their posterior margin. Axillary and inguinal plates large. Colour.-Upper parts chestnut-brown, each vertebral and costal plate with an 8-like yellow figure ; each marginal plate with a yellow 0-like figure, the enclosed brown spot lighter in the centre. The flat portion of the sternum brownish black, each plate with a narrow yellow margin. Each marginal plate with a narrow black margin on the lower side, and with a larger or smaller round black spot. The shell of a single example, 3f inches long, was obtained at Bussora*. T E R A T O L E P I S , g. n. Form of the head geckoid, covered with small non-imbricate scales. Apparently no external ear. Trunk somewhat depressed, covered with imbricate scales, those on the back being keeled, of moderate size, and about twice as large as those on the abdomen. Legs well developed; five clawed toes in front and behind ; each toe * Whilst this paper was passing through the press, Dr. Gray directed my attention to a young example in the British Museum obtained on the Euphrates Expedition. It is preserved in spirits, the shell being 1$ inch long. The sbell is coloured as in the adult, but provided with a distinct costal ridge. Neck with numerous parallel yellow longitudinal bands, some of which advance along the side of the head to the tip of the snout. lAegs and tail (which is li inch long) wiih yellow stripes. Toes broadly webbed. |