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Show 1869.] MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW AUSTRALIAN SHELLS. 45 Terias charmione, Boisduval, Spec. Ge'n. Lep. i. p. 677, n. 40 Hab. 1 B.M. From the collection of Mr. Milne. Sp. 2. AMNEMOPSYCHE EXPANDENS. Nyctemera expandens, Walker, Lep. Het. Brit. Mus. ii. p. 398. n. 17(1854). Hab. 1 B.M. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 5. Descriptions of twelve new Species of Land and Marine Shells from Australia and the Solomon Islands. By GEORGE FRENCH ANGAS, C.M.Z.S., F.L.S., F.R.G.S., &c. (Plate II.) HALIOTIS (PADOLLUS) BRAZIERI, n. s. (Plate II. fig. 1.) Shell oblong-ovate, body-whorl nearly flat above, whorls marked with an obscure single central rib ; perforations peculiarly tubiferous, standing erect, six open; spire somewhat elevated; sculptured throughout with strise radiating from the sutures, with a few spiral ridges on the first and second whorls, which lose themselves on the body-whorl and again appear on the outer margin of the lip ; beautifully marbled with blotches of red and green interrupted here and there with a few white zigzag markings ; base of body-whorl somewhat flattened ; interior brilliantly nacreous. Diam. maj. l>| inch, min. 1 in., alt. 5 lines. Hab. Lake Macquarie, New South Wales (Brazier). A beautiful species, remarkable for its radiate sculpture and large erect elevated perforations. TRITON BASSI, n. s. (Plate II. fig. 2.) Shell ovately fusiform, with five or six rounded varices ; spire moderately raised, one-third the length of the shell, apex obtuse; whorls rounded, closely encircled throughout with irregular narrow flattened ridges beaded alternately here and there and especially towards the base with small inconspicuous nodules, the interstices very finely longitudinally crisped, last whorl slightly angled at the upper part, and furnished at the angle with a few rude tubercles ; pale purplish brown, the nodules here and there whitish occasionally interrupted on the wider ridges with small chestnut spots ; columella white, arcuate, furnished with a small callosity at the upper part, and tooth-ridged below ; canal short, recurved ; interior of the aperture violet; outer lip thickened, white, closely and strongly denticulated within. Length 13, diam. 7\ lines. Hab. Corner Inlet, Bass's Straits (Brazier). |