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Show 1869.] DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE TORTOISES. 191 outer side of each sternal shield and a pale blotch on the outer edge of the inguinal shield. Head and neck olive, sides of the neck and throat with numerous black-edged pale parallel streaks. Legs with irregular rather broad black-edged pale streaks. Beaks olive, rounded in front; upper with a slight acute central notch with a slight tooth on each side of it. 8. CHRYSEMYS. CHRYSEMYS PICTA. Emys picta, Owen, Cat. Osteol. Mus. C. S. p. 189. no. 964 (skull and thorax). Skull in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, no. 964. Skull rather solid, crown very flat; orbits large, oblong, forming part of the crown-edge; nose-hole moderate, labial edge even, with two small close teeth quite in front; zygomatic arch broad, strong, convex externally; palate flat; internal nostrils quite anterior, with a concavity in front between, and with a slight oblong concavity behind each, separated by a slight raised central ridge; lower jaw depressed, rather broad in front and on the sides, rather convex externally (the jaws are fastened together). There is also a skull of a smaller specimen, no. 967. The alveolar surface of the upper jaw linear, with a slight narrow raised ridge parallel to the outer edge, and occupying the middle, half its length. Lower jaw depressed; alveolar surface linear, with a well-marked groove with a sharp raised edge on each side for the greater part of its length, except in front, where the jaw is thinner, simple, and acute. 11. DEIROCHELYS. ? DEIROCHELYS RETICULATA, Agassiz. A young specimen in spirits, received from Mr. Arthur Russell, from North America, under this name. It is most beautifully ornamented, both on the back and sternum, with dark-edged rings and irregular marks; the beaks are most beautifully ornamented with regular black-edged yellow streaks diverging from the nose across the lower beak, so as to form the lines on the throat; the underside of the lower beak is convex. The alveolar surface of the upper and lower jaw rather wide ; the upper with a very slightly raised narrow submarginal ridge; the lower jaw with a regular well-marked continuous submarginal groove. Tribe IV. MALACLEMMYDINA. 12. MALACLEMMYS. MALACLEMMYS CONCENTRICA. Two skeletons in the British Museum. Skull broad, ovate trigonal, rather depressed, sides of the face rounded; crown flat, rhombic, hinder end narrow, extended into a crest, as long from the hinder edge of the orbit as that part is from the end of the nose |