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Show ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 675 Sept. 24. 1 Sun-Bird (Eurypyga helias). Beposited. 25. 1 Black-crested Eagle (Spizaetus occipitalis). Purchased. 1 Common Peafowl (Pavo cristatus). Presented by Lady Cranstoun. 26. 1 Common Camel (Camelus dromedarius), §. Purchased. 1 Korin (Gazella rufifrons), $. Purchased. 27. 2 Servals (Felis serval), cf and 9. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 2 Persian Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa), 2 • Presented by T. Kerr Lynch, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Lion (Felis leo). Presented by T. Kerr Lynch, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Superb Crested Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), $. From Costa Rica. Presented by Capt. Dow, F.Z.S. 28. 1 Patas Monkey (Cercopithecus, ruber). Presented by Clement P. Penny, Esq. 29. 1 Two-toed Sloth (Cholcepus hoffmanni?), from Panama. Purchased. Oct. 1. 1 Bengalese Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis). Presented by Charles J. Sturt, Esq. 2. 1 Pair Swinhoe's Pheasants (Euplocamus swinhoii). Deposited. 2 Pallas's Eared Pheasants (Crossoptilon auritum). Deposited. 2 Rough-legged Buzzards (Archibuteo lagopus). Presented by Capt. Stuart. 4. 1 West-African Python (Pgthon sebce). Presented by Mr. C. Czarnikow, F.Z.S. 6. 1 Cape Ant-Bear (Orycteropus capensis), §. Purchased. 1 Aard Wolf (Proteles cristatus). Purchased. 7. 2 Common Chameleons (Chamceleon vulgaris). Presented by Mr. G. Bashford. 8. 1 Philantomba Antelope (Cephalophus maxwellii). Born in the Menagerie. 1 Mooruk (Casuarius bennettii). Purchased. 9. 1 Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Presented by Miss Paget. 11. 1 Common Buzzard (Buteo vulgaris). Presented by John Susini, Esq. 2 Horned Vipers (Cerastes hasselquistii). Received in exchange. 12. 4 Sand-Asps ( Vipera ammodytes). Received in exchange. 1 Grizzled Spider Monkey (Ateles grisescens), 3. Purchased. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), cf • Presented by the Rev. F. E. Durnford. 13. 1 Cinereous Sea-Eagle (Haliaetus albicilla). Presented by R. Albay, Esq. 1 Squirrel Monkey (Callithrix sciureus), 2- Presented by F. G. H. Price, Esq. 14. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus), c$- Presented by Mr. Lucas. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), cf. Deposited. 2 Axis Deer (Cervus axis), cf and $. Presented by Mrs. MorisoU. 3 Crested Ground-Parrakeets (Calopsitta novce hollandice). Presented by Dr. J. S. Tulloch, F.Z.S. 15. 1 Chimpanzee (Troglodgtes niger), $. Deposited. 2 Caspian Emys (Emys caspica). Purchased. 2 Mocassin Snakes (tropidonotusfasciatus). Purchased. 1 Say's Snake (Coronella sayi). Purchased. P R O C ZOOL. Soc-1869, No. XLIV. |