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Show 558 SURGEON F. DAY ON INDIAN FISHES. [Nov. 25, northern Burmah. I am told it is one of the commonest fish in bazar in Yunan in China. SCHIZOTHORAX LABIATUS. Racoma labiatus, M'Clelland, C. J. H. N. ii. p. 578, t. 15. f. 1. The following description is taken from a stuffed specimen 27 inches long, presented by Sir A. Burns, from Helmind, in Afghanistan, and is marked " type of Racoma labiatus." D. 3/8. P.15. V. 11. A. 3/5. C. 21. Length of head i, height of body g of the total length. Body fusiform, a considerable rise from the snout to the occiput. Upper jaw longest, lips thick ; the maxillary barbels reach to below the orbit. The posterior process of the intermaxillaries extends halfway to the orbit. Fins. Dorsal arises considerably nearer to the base of the caudal than to the end of the snout; its third ray (injured superiorly) is osseous, strong, and serrated posteriorly. Anal narrow, reaching nearly to the base of the caudal when laid backwards. Caudal forked. Pectoral first ray strong. Scales small, deciduous. MURIA ALBOLINEATA, Blyth, J. A. S. of Bengal, 1860, p. 163. B.iii. D. 2/7. P. 11. V. 7. A. 2/11. C. 17. L. 1.31. Length of head f, of caudal \ of the total length. Height of body f of the total length. Eyes. Diameter f of length of head, f of a diameter from end of snout, 1 diameter apart. Body compressed, gradually tapering off towards the tail. Mouth anterior, lower jaw the longest. The posterior extremity of the maxilla reaches to below the anterior third of the orbit. The rostral barbels reach to opposite the posterior margin of the prae-opercle, the maxillary to opposite the base of the ventral fin. Fins. Dorsal arises opposite the anal, and midway betweeu the posterior margin of the praeopercle and base of the caudal, which is forked in its posterior fourth. Scales. Half a row between the lateral hue and base of the ventral fin. Lateral line ceases opposite the base of the ventral fin. Colours. In spirit silvery, with a silver stripe along the side. Six specimens, to 2 inches in length, are in the collection; presented by Mr. Atkinson, from Moulmeiu. NURIA ALTA, Blyth, J. A. S. of Bengal, 1860, p. 162. Two specimens exist in the collection, the description of which I do not find to agree with the types. In the largest the maxillary barbel extends to the base of the ventral fin, in the smallest to that of the anal. The formula is B.iii. D. 2/6. P.15. V. 6. A. 2/5. C.19. L. 1. 32. L. tr. 6/3. |