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Show 440 DR. J. D. MACDONALD ON A NEW CIRR1PED. [June 24, tained in the Cordillera of Chucu. They are marked male and but do not differ in coloration. 2. TACHYPHONUS CHRYSOMELAS, sp. nov. (Plate XXXII.) Splendide aureus; oculorum ambitu angusto, interscapulio, et cauda nigerrimis; remigum marginibus internis et subalaribus, necnon rectricum externarum in pogonio interno limbis flavicanti-albis: rostro et pedibus nigris: long, tota 4*alee 2*5, caudce 1*8, tarsi 0*65, rostri a rictu 0 5. Fem. Olivacea, alis caudaque fusco-nigricantibus olivaceo subtus flavicans, lateraliter obscurior; subalaribus remigum marginibus internis albis. Hab. in Veragua. This very beautiful little species of Tachyphonus is at once distinguishable from all its relatives by its black and yellow colour, which reminds one of the most brilliant Lcteri. It is of diminutive size, being less in bulk even than T. luctuosus, which has hitherto remained the smallest known species of the genus. Its bill is particularly slender and delicate, not much more so, however, proportionately, than that of Tachyphonus surinamus. Arce obtained several examples of both sexes of this bird in the cordillera of Chucu. 3. CHLOROSPINGUS PUNCTULATUS, sp. nov. Supra olivaceus; alis caudaque fusco-nigris, olivaceo limbatis; pileo toto cum nucha et capitis lateribus nigris; macula alba: subtus flavicanti-olivaceus, pectore aurantiaco tincto; gutture nigro sparsim punctulato: ventre medio albicante : campterio alari et subalaribus limonaceo-flavis: et pedibus nigris -. long, tota 5*2, alee 2*7, caudce 2*2. Hab. in Veragua. This Chlorospingus belongs to the group distinguished by a white postocular spot, which embraces C. ophthalmicus and its allies. Its black head distinguishes it from all these, except C. pileatus (Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 581). In the latter bird, however, the under surface is of a pale cinereous, with a yellowish pectoral band and flanks, and there are no traces of the throat-spots, which render the present species easily recognizable. Arce collected several specimens of this new Chlorospingus iu the cordillera of Chucu. 5. O n an apparently new Genus of Minute Parasitic Cirri - peds, between Lepas and Dichelaspis. By J O H N DENIS M A C D O N A L D , M.D., F.R.S., Staff-Surgeon R.N. (Plates XXXIII., XXXIV.) On examining the gills and respiratory appendages of Neptunus pelagicus, one of the swimming crabs, occurring in great plenty at |