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Show 1869.] SURGEON F. DAY ON INDIAN FISHES. 551 Fins. Dorsal commences in the middle of the total length, and is slightly posterior to the ventral. Caudal cut square. Scales distinct. Colours. Covered with dull spots over the body and head. Dorsal and caudal fins spotted and banded. A specimen, 3 inches long, is in the museum; received from Major Berdmore, Pegu. NEMACHEILUS ZONALTERNANS. Cobitis zonalternans, Blyth, J. A. S. of Bengal, 1860, p. 172. B. iii. D. 2/9. A. 2/5. Eyes of moderate size, rather more than one diameter from the end of snout. Fins. Dorsal arises anterior to the ventral, and rather nearer the snout than the base of the caudal, which latter is entire. Scales distinct. Colours. Ten to eleven bars descend down the lower two-thirds of the body to the abdomen, with intermediate half bands superiorly between them. The dorsal and caudal fins spotted in bands. Two specimens exist in the collection, of ly4^ and 1-fa inch respectively ; they were presented by Major Berdmore, who obtained them in the Tenasserim Provinces. NEMACHEILUS PHOXOCHEILA. Cobitis phoxocheila, M'Clelland, Ind. Cyp. pp. 305,449, pl. 52. f. 4. Two specimens, respectively 1-^ and 2 ^ inches in length, from Derra Pungi, are in the collection, to which they were presented bv Mr. Skipwith, and are labelled Cobitis phoxocheila, M'Clelland. Their tails are damaged and their colours bleached. B. iii. D. 2/9. A. 2/5. Length of head more than the height of the body. Eyes 2 diameters from end of snout, and situated before the middle of the length of the head. Lower surface of the head moderately horizontal; snout rather depressed. No bony ridge between the eyes. Four rostral barbels nearly as long as the diameter of the orbit; two short maxillary ones. Fins. Dorsal commences midway between the anterior margin of the orbit and the base of the anal fin, and slightly in advance of the ventral. The pectoral does not extend to the ventral, nor the latter to the anal. Scales minute. NEMACHEILUS SERPENTARIUS, sp. n. B.iii. D. 2/8. P. 17. V. 9. A. 2/5. C.19. L. 1. 64. L. tr. 12/17. Length of head \, of pectoral -f, of caudal | of the total length. Height of body nearly equals the length of the head. |