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Show 1869.] SURGEON F. D A Y O N INDIAN FISHES. 559 Height of body |, length of head | of the total length. The pectoral fins are not so long as the head in either specimen. The species appears identical with Nuria danrica, Ham. Buch. NURIA MALABARICA. Esomus malabaricus, Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 299. Dr. Giinther, Cat. Fishes, vii. p. 201, demurs to this species without a lateral line being considered to differ from N. danrica (in which a lateral line is present), because he has only received young examples. Seven specimens, up to 2 inches in length, exist in the Calcutta collection, and I have taken many others in the Irrawaddi. I have no doubt as to the distinctness of the two species. BARILIUS INTERRUPTA, sp. nov. B.iii. D. 2/7. P. 10. V. 7. A. 2/12. C.19. L.l. 34. L. tr. % Length of head f, of pectoral }, oi base of dorsal £, of base of anal nearly g, of caudal j} of the total length. Height of head £, of body f, of dorsal fin ft-, of ventral -fr, oi anal ^ oi the total length. Eyes. Diameter f of length of head, rather above ^ a diameter from end of snout, 1 diameter apart. Lower jaw slightly the longest; no barbels. Third suborbital bone about twice as wide as the soft naked portion of the cheek below it. The posterior extremity of the maxilla extends to below the anterior third of the orbit. Humeral process of shoulder-bone very slightly developed. Teeth pharyngeal, uncinate, 5, 4, 2/2, 4, 5. Fins. Dorsal arises in advance of the anal, and midway between the posterior margin of the opercle and the base of the caudal fin. Pectoral scarcely reaches so far as the ventral, whilst the latter onlv extends two-thirds of the distance to the base of the anal. Caudal forked in its posterior fourth. Scales with numerous striae. Lateral line descends gently for five scales, then more abruptly for two more, and having continued along five more scales, to opposite the base of the ventral fin, it ceases. Colours. Silvery, with short vertical bars along the middle of the side. All the upper scales with large black dots. Numerous specimens, to 2 inches in length, from Hotha, collected by Dr. J. Anderson. PERILAMPUS FULVESCENS, Blyth, J. A. S. of Bengal, I860, p. 163. B.iii. D.2/8. P.15. V. 7. A. 2/20. C. 17. L.l. 33. L. tr. 7/3. Length of head \, of pectoral above \, of base of anal ^ of the total length. Height of body -i- of the total length. Eyes. Diameter 3 of length of head, I diameter from end of snout, 1 diameter apart. Body compressed, abdomen not trenchant. Fins. Dorsal commences midway between the posterior margin of |