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Show 160 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON [Mai*. 1 1, 8. HAPALOCERCUS FLAVIVENTRIS (Lafr. et D'Orb.); Burm. La Plata-Reise, ii. p. 456. Tachuri vientre amarillo, A^zara, Apunt. ii. p. 89. no. 171. One example obtained in November 1867 and marked as a "summer bird." On comparing this with other specimens in Sclater's collection, including a typical Chilian example of Arundinicola citreola, Landbeck (Wiegm. Arch. 1864, p. 58), we find them all identical*. The latter name may therefore be regarded as a synonym of Hapalocercus jiaviventris. 9. CERYLE AMERICANA (Linn.) ; Burm. I. c. p. 447. One skin of a female of this Kingfisher. 10. ELANUS LEUCURUS (Vieill.); Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 113. Alcon bianco, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 165. Two specimens. Not included in Burmeister's list. 11. ROSTRHAMUS SOCIABILIS (Vieill.). Gavilan de estero sociable, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 84. no. 16. R. hamatus, Burm. La Plata-Reise, ii. p. 435. One example of this species. 12. ARAIMUS SCOLOPACEUS (Vieill.); Burm. /. c. p. 504. Carau, Azara, Apunt. iii. p. 202. no. 366. "Carau" or " Viuda loca."-W. II. H. 13. QUERQUEDULA CYANOPTERA (Vieill.) ; Burm. I. c. p. 516. Pato alas azulas, Azara, Apunt. iii. p. 437. no. 434. " Pato chocolate."-W. H. H. 14. DENDROCYGNA VIDUATA (Linn.) ; Burm. /. c. p. 515. Pato cara blanca, Azara, Apunt. iii. p. 440. no. 435. We have likewise lately examined a small collection of birds made near Buenos Ayres by Mr. Ilaslehust of that city. Out of forty-five species represented in it, the following ten have not been yet sent by Mr. Hudson :- 1. VIREOSYLVIA CHIVI. Sylvia chivi,Vieill. N. D. xi. p. 174, et E. M . 437, ex Azara, no. 152. Contramaestre gaviero, Apunt. ii. p. 34. V. chivi, Baird, Rev. A. B. p. 337- A. single skin, which we are not able to separate from V. agilis of Brazil (V. virescens of Sclater's American Catalogue). But putting aside virescens, which Prof. Baird, perhaps rightly, considers to be a synonym of V. olivacea, chivi is the oldest name for this bird. This species is not mentioned by Burmeister. * Cf. Sclater's remarks. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 326. |