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Show 1869.] MYOLOGY OF MENOBRANCHUS LATERALIS. 451 muzzle, and is destitute of the lateral folds of skin ; but the tail has a cutaneous fin both above and below, extending further forwards, inferiorly, than in the last-named genus. The skin is smooth and devoid of transverse wrinkles. A deep fold passes across the underside of the throat, as in the larvae of other Batrachians. The rounded cloacal aperture is placed very much behind the origins of the pelvic limbs. The forearm and leg are respectively but little shorter than the arm and thigh, and the pectoral and pelvic limbs are widely separated. The posterior digits are not broadened by cutaneous folds. The gape of the mouth only extends backward to about the eye, though it appears from the fold of the lips to recede further. The head is fiat, the eyes destitute of eyelids, and a longitudinal groove runs along the middle of the back. Dimensions. inches. Extreme length from muzzle to tail-end 11*00 Length from mandibular symphysis to middle point between the arm-pits 2*16 Length from the said middle point to anterior end of cloaca • 5*34 Length from cloaca to end of tail 3*25 Length of head about I *30 Breadth of head 1*19 Vertical thickness of head "53 Vertical thickness of mid-body about '96 Greatest breadth of body 1*07 Transverse diameter of tail at about its mid-length . . *33 Vertical extent of tail at the same place 1*00 Distance between the eyes '57 Extreme length of pectoral limb 1*27 Extreme length of pelvic limb . . 1*47 Distance from mid-point between the eyes to the end of the muzzle '40 Distance between the origins of the pectoral and pelvic limbs of one side 4*51 Distance of the origin of the pectoral limb from the mandibular symphysis 2*12 Distance of the origin of the pectoral limb from the end of the tail 4*07 Proportions. Length of head compared with its breadth at 100 ... . 109*2 Height of head compared with its breadth at 100 ... . 44'5 Length of body (from pectoral girdle to cloaca) compared with its breadth at 100 499'0 |