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Show 632 MESSRS. SCLATER A N D SALMN ON [Dec. 9, Three examples obtained in September 1868, and marked " Summer visitor, very rare." 2. STEPHANOPHORUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Vieill.); Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161. Several skins of this Tanager. 3. SPERMOPHILA ORNATA (Licht.); Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 243, et La Plata-Reise, ii. p. 488. Several skins, all males, of this Finch. 4. GUBERNATRIX CRISTATELLA (Vieill.) ; Burm. /. c. p. 482. One skin of this species. 5. DONACOSPIZA ALBIFRONS (Vieill.) ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161. Three examples of this bird. 6. SYCALIS CHLOROPSIS, Bp.; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161. Two skins of this species. 7. XANTHOSOMUS FLAVUS (Vieill.) ; Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 137. Tordo cabeza amarilla, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 299. Ten skins of this bird, which is not included by Burmeister in his La Plata list. 8. A M B L Y R H A M P H U S H O L O S E R I C E U S (Scop.); Scl. et Salv. P.Z.S. 1869, p. 161. Many examples of this species. 9. LEPTASTHENURA AEGITHALOIDES (Kittl.). Synallaxis cegithaloides, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 469. Two examples of this species, which was accidentally termed Syn - allaxis albescens in our first list (P. Z. S. 1868, p. 140). 10. SYNALLAXIS SPIXI, Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 151. Three examples of this Synallaxis, which does not appear to be included in Burmeister's list, unless it be his S. ruficapilla, I. c. p. 468. 11. SYNALLAXIS SULPHURIFERA, Burm. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 636. Two immature birds, apparently of this new species, recently described by Dr. Burmeister. 12. SYNALLAXIS, sp. 1 One skin, in bad eondition, of a species belonging to the group containing S. humicola (Kittl.), S. orbignyii, Reich., aud S. arequipee, nobis, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 417. It is marked "very rare." It is perhaps S. humicola of Burmeister, I. c. p. 468, but is decidedly distinct from the Chilian bird of that name. |