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Show 1869.] MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON MEXICAN BIRDS. 363 was really of this species. Salvin has received a skin of this Cyanocitta from the vicinity of Oaxaca, collected by Mr. A. Fenochio. 9. PSILORHINUS MORIO (Wagler). Two skins of this bird, marked <$ et $, and coloured alike, obtained from the tierra caliente of the Atlantic, where Mr. le Strange says they are "very common, and often follow the passer-by, taking short flights from tree to tree, and making a harsh and discordant noise." This bird has long been confounded with the Psilorhinus mexicanus of Riippell, which is immediately distinguishable by its white belly and the broad white terminations of the rectrices. Riippell gives the locality of his species as Tamaulipas ; but all the Mexican specimens of Psilorhinus which have come under our notice have belonged to the black-tailed Ps. morio, while all the Guatemalan and more southern examples have been of the (so-called) Ps. mexicanus. Under these circumstances it is not unlikely that there may have been some mistake in Riippell's locality. The two species (if such they be) will stand as follows :- PSILORHINUS MORIO. Pica morio, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 751. Pica fuliginosa, Less. Traite d'Orn. p. 333. Psilorhinus morio, Bp. Consp. p. 381 ; Cab. Mus. Hein. p. 226 ; Baird, Birds N . A m . p. 592; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 300, and 1859, pp. 57, 365. Diagn. Ventre cinerascente; rectricibus totis concoloribus. Hab. S. Mexico, Cordova (Salle), Jalapa (de Oca). PSILORHINUS MEXICANUS. Corvus morio, fem. et juv., Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 751. Psilorhinus mexicanus, Riipp. Mus. Senck. ii. p. 189, t. 11. f. 2. Psilorhinus morio, Scl. & Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 22; Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 113 ; Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1861, p. 83 ; Scl. Cat. A m . B. p. 145; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 101. Diagm. Ventre albicante, rectricum lateralium apicibus latis albis. Hab. Guatemala (Salvin), Honduras (Taylor), Costa Rica (Arce), "Tamaulipas, Mexico (Riipp.)." 10. SITTASOMUS OLIVACEUS (Max.). W e have already given our reasons for using this name for the bird usually called S. sylvioides (cf. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 630). 11. CHAETURA RUTILA (Vieill.), Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 283. Mr. le Strange's collection contains a pair of this beautiful Swift from the tierra fria, the first Mexican specimens we have seen of it. Mr. Lawrence has lately presented to Sclater an Ecuadorian skin of the bird, which agrees perfectly with Mexican and Guatemalan examples. |