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Show 1869.] DR. J. E. GRAY ON THE TORTOISES. 177 Tribe II. LUTREMYINA or Old-World Cistudinidae. The temporal muscle protected by a well-developed band-like zygomatic arch. Sternal lobes more or less moveable, subequal; both lobes forming part of the lateral symphysis. * Lobes of the sternum moveable at all ages. 2. PVXIDEA, Gray, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 175. PYXIDIA MOUHOTII. The skull (as seen through the skin in the preserved specimen) is trigonal, flat on the sides; the crown flat, triangular, short, scarcely produced behind the hinder edge of the orbit; truncate behind, rather more produced in the centre ; zygomatic arch flat, weak, narrowed in the centre, much narrower than the orbit in front, and gradually dilating so as to be almost half as broad as the front edge of the tympanic cavity behind ; orbit rather large, lateral ; beak of the upper jaw entire, with a strong central hook. 3. CISTOCLEMMYS, Gray, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 175. 4. CUORA, Gray, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 198; 1863, p. 176. Fig. 4. Cuora amboinensis. CUORA AMBOINENSIS. Skeleton in the British Museum. Skull rather elongate, rhombic, ovate ; crown flat; nose erect ; se-cavity square, moderate ; orbit large, oblong, transverse, lateral |