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Show 1869.] DR. G. HARTLAUB ON ANARHYNCHUS FRONTALIS. 435 inter se conjuncti; internus externo brevior. Ungues acuti. Ptilosis ut in Hiaticulis. ANARHYNCHUS FRONTALIS, Q. et G. A. frontalis, Q. et G. Zool. Astrol. i. p. 252, t. 31. f. 2 (av. jun.); Reichenb. Syst. Av. Nat. t. 17 ; id. Nat. Vog. f. 658 ; Less. Compl. (Euvr. Buff. ix. p. 427. Thinornis 1 frontalis, G. R. Gray, Gen. of B. iii. p. 545 ; id. List of B. N. Zeal. p. 22; Dieffenb. Trav. N. Z. ii. p. 196 ; Zool. Ereb. and Terr. (Birds) p. 12. 1 Charadrius frontalis, Ellm. Zoologist, 1861, p. 7469; Bonap. Compt. Rend. Acad, tome xliii.; Excurs. div. Mus. et Tabl. parall. Echass. p. 17. Diag.-Supra cinereus, scapis plumarum obscuris subfuscescenti-bus; macula frontali alba, supra nigro marginata; subtus albus, fascia pectorali latiusculo, circumscriqjte nigra; remigibus obscure fuscescentibus, scapis albis; subalaribus et subcaudalibus albis; rectricibus intermediis fuscescentibus, pallidius marginatis, reliquis albis, medialiter nonnihil infuscatis; rostro nigro; pedibus obscuris. Jun. Fascia pectorali nigra nulla ; macula frontali alba absque margine nigro. Long. tot. circa 6|", rostr. 1", al. 4" 6'", tars. 1", dig. med. 10|"', ung. dig. med. 1'". Upper parts ashy grey, with the shafts of the feathers of an obscure fuscous-brown; a circumscript frontal spot white, with a narrow black upper margin ; lores white ; ears whitish, mixed ; under parts pure white, with a circumscript black band over the upper part of the breast; wing-feathers fuscous-brown, with white shafts ; the inner web whitish, but the tips all brown; secondaries grey, a little infuscated along the middle ; upper wing-coverts like the back ; under wing-coverts white; tail-feathers brownish, with the margins paler and greyish, lateral ones white, a little brownish along the middle ; upper tail-coverts like the back ; under tail-coverts white ; beak black ; feet dark greyish. ( S and $ •) The younger bird, as figured by Quoy and Gaimard, has the under parts all white, without the pectoral band; but the grey colour of the upper part advances a little on the sides of the upper breast. iong. tot. 6" 6"' 6 6 6 2 rostr. 12"' 13 13 al. 4" 6'" 4 6 - caud. 1" 5'" 1 6 - tars. 12'" 1 1 13 dig. med. 14)*'" 10 12 ( « * • ) (?•) (Juv-) The collectors of the 'Astrolabe' expedition discovered the Anarhynchus at Chouraki (Houraki?) Bay, a deep and spacious indentation of the east coast of the Northern Island of New Zealand. There it lived along the marshy shores of the sea; and small flocks were observed on the salt-water channels surrounding this locality. If Air. Ell man's Charadrius frontalis really applies to our bird (a |