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Show 548 SURGEON F. D A Y O N INDIAN FISHES. [Nov. 25, differences are nevertheless very conspicuous. The yellow margin around the red skull-cap is very distinct in Pt. porphyraceus; very faint and pale in Pt. fasciatus. The median abdominal spot, of a dark blackish violet in Pt. porphyraceus, is of a purplish wine-red in Pt. fasciatus. The chin and upper part of throat are of a pure white in Pt. fasciatus, of a pale yellow in Pt. porphyraceus ; and, lastly, in Pt. porphyraceus we miss the greyish-lilac anteapical spot in the longest scapulars, so conspicuous iu the allied species. 9. PTILINOPUS PEROUSII, Peale; Finsch et Hartl. l.c. p. 110. One adult specimen. Fully agreeing with a Upolu specimen in the Bremen collection. Hitherto not known from the Tonga Islands. Long. al. rostr. caud. tars. 5" 1'" 4|'" 3" 1'" 9|'" 10. RALLUS PECTORALIS, Less.; Finsch et Hartl. /. c. p. 157. Rallus forsteri, nob. 1. c. p. 162. One specimen ; without the rufous pectoral band. It is certainly disagreeable to kill one's own children; but as to Rallus forsteri we are fully convinced of our error. In a set of specimens from the Pelew Islands, some had the rufous pectoral band, in two others it was entirely wanting, and in one bird there was only to be seen faint traces of it. Long. al. 5" 1"' 5 5 5 1 caud. 2" 1'" 2 1 2 2 rostr. 12'" 15 13 tars. 17'" 17 19 dig. med. 15"' (Tonga.) 15 (Upolu.) 17 (Pelew Islands.) 11. CHARADRIUS FULVUS, Gmel. One specimen in winter plumage ; like others in the Bremen collection from New Zealand and the Pelews. L\ig. al. caud. rostr. tars. dig. med. 6" 3'" 2" 1'" 9|'" 19'" 10'" 3. Remarks on some of the Fishes in the Calcutta Museum. By FRANCIS D A Y , F.Z.S. & F.L.S.-Part II. I have already forwarded to the Society a communication relating to some of the fishes in the Calcutta Museum, which appeared to me to be entirely new or imperfectly known, and I now propose to offer some remarks upon the Cyprinidee in the same collection. Genus APUA, Blyth. Body elongated and compressed. A small, erectile, bifid suborbital spine. Eight barbels-one rostral, one maxillary, and two |