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Show 314 DR. W. HAIRI) ON NEW ANNELIDES. [May 13, tenuated anteriorly, broadest about the centre. Colour of a light olive, uniform underneath, but marked with irregular black spots on the back. Rings rather narrow, with an indistinct keel along both dorsal and ventral surfaces of each. Oral sucker rather small, ventral large. Anus large. Teeth on the jaw nearly black. Length of body (in spirits) 3 inches, breadth (at broadest part) 9 lines. Hab. Cuba? From the collection of the late Mr. John Christy, F.R.S. &c. 2. AULASTOMA EXIMIO-STRIATUM, Baird. Body flattened, especially on the ventral surface, slightly attenuated at each exttrjgmity, but more so anteriorly ; broadest about the centre. Back olive-coloured, speckled with black spots or marks scattered profusely over the.surface ; ventral surface of a uniform colour, lighter than the back. Rings very distinct, particularly well-marked at the sides, which appear as if crenate ; on the back they are marked with very numerous, minute fine striae, which are best seen when the specimen is taken out of spirits. Oral sucker small ; ventral moderate and rather deep, granose on outer edge. Anus large. Length about 2 inches, breadth about 8 lines. Hab. ? Old collection. Genus HIRUDO, Linnaeus. 1. H I R U D O I N C O N C I N N A , Baird. Body much depressed, of a uniform dark olive-colour, somewhat lighter underneath, much attenuated at anterior extremity. Bodv broad posteriorly, coarsely annulated ; surface of rings roughly wrinkled. Oral sucker small; ventral large, shallow, bordered with a smooth margin, distinctly radiately plaited on interior surface, and covered with flat granulations externally, or as it were tessellated. Breadth of anterior portion immediately below the oral sucker 3 lines, breadth at broadest part of body 9 lines ; diameter of ventral sucker 5 lines ; length of body 4 inches. Hub. Ceylon (Sir A. Smith, M.D.). Several species of Leeches are found in Ceylon, and are particularly mentioned by the late Sir J. E. Tennent in his history of that island. This may be the Leech mentioned by him in vol. i. p. 305 (footnote), which was observed by Mr. Thwaites at Kolona Koole, but which he was not able to examine particularly. He describes it "as flatter and of a darker colour" than the paddy-field Leech (Homopsis sanguisorba) of Ceylon. 2. HIRUDO LOWEI, Baird. Body depressed, concave on ventral surface, slightly convex dorsally, of a uniform olive-colour, rather lighter underneath. No bands or marks on the surface to be seen. Attenuated anteriorly. Body distinctly annulated ; rings very irregular, contracted at about every fourth or fifth, the fourth or fifth being smaller than the rest, |