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Show VII 8 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS 702 United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20240 JUN 9 1970 Mr. Roy Peck Executive Director Wyoming State Department of Economic Planning and Development 210 West 23rdStreet Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 Dear Mr. Peck: Enclosed is a copy of a self-explanatory letter by which the Secretary transmitted the "Criteria for Coordinated Long-Range Operation of Colorado River Reservoirs" to the Governors of the seven Colorado River Basin States. Also enclosed is a detailed explanation of the decisions reached and the actions taken on the collective comments made by the Governors of the Upper and Lower Division States of the Colorado River Basin. The series of five major task force meetings and the many subtask group meetings extending from July 25 to November 24, 1969, played a large part in shaping the background for the proposed operating criteria which were sent to the Governors by Secretary Hickel's letter of December 16, 1969. This same background and the comments of the Governors of the Upper and Lower Basin States contributed greatly to guiding the recommendations to the Secretary on the criteria now being published in the Federal Register. Your participation in those deliberations is appreciated, and I take this means of expressing a personal "thank you." Sincerely, ELUS L ARMSTRONG Ellis L. Armstrong Commissioner Enclosure IN REPLY REFER TO: *tOU Solicitor Assoc. Sol. - Reclamation & Power cc: Chief Engineer, Denver, Colorado Regional Solicitor, Los Angeles, Calif. Regional Solicitor, Salt Lake City, Utah Regional Director, Boulder City, Nevada Regional Director, Salt Lake City, Utah Asst. Reg. Dir., Phoenix, Ariz. |