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Show XIII-6 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS (Continued from Sheet 1) (b) designate a special representative to begin work immediately to find a permanent, definitive and just solution of this problem;---------- (c) instruct the special representative to submit a report to him by the --end of this year; ---------------- (d) submit this proposal, once it has -the approval of this Government to President Echeverria for his con- -sideration and approval, --------- "President Echeverria said that he recognized the goodwill of President -- Nixon and his interest in finding a --- definitive solution to this problem at the earliest possible timec He added -that based on two recent trips to the -Mexicali Valley and his talks with farmers there, his Government, while re- -serving its legal rights, had decided -to stop using waters from the Wellton-Mohawk project for irrigation purposes while waiting for receipt of the United fif-nfps proposal for a definitive solution. --¦----......- --- -•¦.........,-....-..... "Both Presidents agreed to instruct their Water and Border Commissioners to prepare and sign a Minute containing -the above program and commitments as -soon as possible."------------------- The Commission, on the basis of the ---understandings expressed in the Joint Communique, adopts, subject to the approval of the two Governments, the following ------- (Continua de la hoia 1) E) ) Dcsigaa un repvescntante especial para comenzar inmediatamente la tarea de encontrar a este problema una solu ci6n definitiva, justa y permanente. C) Impartir instrucciones a este repre-sentante especial para que le someta un informe antes de fin de aflo, --- D) Transmitir esta propuesta, una vez -que haya sido aprobada por su Gobier no, al Presidente Echeverrfa para su consideraci.6n y aprobaci6n«------- El Presidente Echeverrfa manifest6 -que reconocfa la buena disposici6n del Presidente Nixon y su interls por encon trar una soluci6*n definitiva a este pro blema a la mayor brevedad posible. Ana di6 que, en vista de sus dos recientes viajes ai Valle de Mexicali y en sus - plctticas con los campesinos de la re- -gidn, su Gobierno, reservando sus dere chos, habfa resuelto dejar de utilizar en el riego las aguas de Wellton-Mohawk, en espera de recibir la propuesta de --Estados Unidos de America para una solu Ambos Presidentes acordaron instruir a sus Comisionados de Li!mites y Aguas a fin de que, a la mayor brevedad posible, levanten y suscriban el Acta que conten ga el plan y los compromises arriba men cionados", -------------------------- La Comisi6n, basada en los acuerdos ex presados en el Comunicado Conjunto, adopta, sujeta a la aprobaci6n de los dos Gobiernos, la siguiente---------------------------- RESOLUTION: RESOLUCION: That, commencing on the date of the approval of the present Minute, the United States take the measures described in points 2 and 3 of this -resolution, to improve the quality of the waters of the Colorado River made available to Mexico at the ---Northerly Boundary, which it is estimated will reduce the salinity of such waters by at least 100 parts -per million as an annual mean, --- (Continued on 3) Que, principiando en la fecha de --aprobaci6n de la presente Acta, los Estados Unidos tomen las medidas --descritas en los apartados 2 y 3 de la presonte resoluci6n, para mejorar la calidad de las aguas del Rfo Colorado que se pongan a disposicio"n do Mexico en el Lindero Norte, las cuales se estima que reduciran la -salinidad de dichas aguas cuando me nos en cien partes por mill6n, en - (Conftnfi.1 f»n la hojn 3) |