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Show CHAPTER III 77 DA Participating Projects The authorized participating projects are: Name Completed Location Paonia January 1962 Colorado Smith Fork Fall 1962 Colorado Florida November 1963 Colorado Silt June 1967 Colorado Fryingpan, Arkansas 97 percent complete 1976 Colorado Fruitland Mesa - Colorado Bostwick Park - Colorado Dallas Creek Colorado Dolores - Colorado San Miguel - Colorado West Divide - Colorado Animas-LaPlata Colorado and New Mexico Savory-Pot Hook - Colorado and Wyoming Hammond 1962 New Mexico Navajo Indian Irrigation - New Mexico San Juan Chama New Mexico Central Utah Vernal Unit 1962 Utah Bonneville Unit 1962 Utah Upalco Unit 1962 Unit Uintoh Unit 1962 Utah Jenson Unit 1962 Utah Emery County 1966 Utah Lyman - Wyoming Seedskadee 1964 Wyoming Ederi 1960 Wyoming D.5 CRSP Power Rates Public Law 84-485, which authorized the Colorado River Storage Project and participating projects on April 11, 1956, specifies that all reimbursable costs must be repaid within 50 years after the completion of each separable feature, with the provision that the irrigation features of a participating project may have a development period of up to 10 years. Power rate schedule R4-F1, with demand restrictions for the summer and winter seasons, was established on March 6, 1962, with a $1.275/kW per month demand rate and 3 mills/kWh energy rate, averaging 6 mills/kWh at a load factor of 58.2 percent, the maximum load factor of the firm energy that the Bureau then contracted for. A repayment study based on the July 1972 projections of future investment and operating costs indicated that the 6 mill rate no longer met the repayment requirements. The principal reasons for the lack of sufficient revenues appeared to be the increases in operation and maintenance costs, the fact that the water supply has been considerably below average, except for 3 years, since the initial inservice date of the first power feature, the higher than expected cost of firming energy purchases, and the steadily rising price levels which result in higher than expected future investment costs. On June 1, 1977, Schedule UC-F2 became effective, superseding Schedule UC-F1 and the old rate R4-F1. It established the following monthly rates: Capacity charge: $1.34/kW of billing demand Energy charge: 3.4 mills/kWh |