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Show 64 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS Parker-Davis Project contracts were entered into with California-Pacific Utilities Company and Citizens Utilities Company to settle disputes which arose between Citizens Utilities Company and California-Pacific Utilities Company and the United States as to the rights of these contractors to renew contracts which provided a power supply from the Boulder Canyon Project. Both contracts provided for termination on December 31, 1972, with an option for renewal for a 5-period. Each entity exercised its option and the contracts remained in force through December 31, 1977. C.3 Reallocations On April 4, 1975, a proposed reallocation of Parker-Davis Project power and energy was published in the Federal Register. The effect of this reallocation was to redistribute the Parker-Davis Project power and energy which was under contract to the nonpreference customers. While the nonpreference customer contracts did not terminate until December 1977, arrangements were made with the Colorado River Storage Project to provide additional capacity and energy so that this reallocation could be made effective April 1, 1976. Their totals of 21,000 kW summer allocation and 15,750 kW winter allocation were made available to increase the allocation to other preference Parker-Davis power customers. On September 21, 1975, the Department of the Interior approved new allocations of Parker-Davis power to Parker-Davis customers (and for Southern Division customers of Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) customers) substantially in accordance with Interior's proposal of March 20, 1975, 40 F.R. 66, pages 15101-15104. Prior to the reallocation, the permanent available Parker-Davis power for the summer season was 195,525 kW to preference customers, 21,000 kW to nonpreference customers, and 38,975 kW for project purposes. The withdrawable allocation was 19,500 kW, so that there was a total of 254,000 kW for the summer season. Comparable figures for the winter season were 130,000 kW, 15,750 kW, and 38,975 kW for a total of 185,625 kW. The withdrawable allocation was 14,625 kW. The total summer season Parker-Davis figures were unchanged following reallocation although the amounts available to individual customers were adjusted. The Parker-Davis permanent winter season reallocated total figures were adjusted slightly to 172,100 kW (from 171,350 kW) as were the withdrawable quantities to 13,900 kW (from 14,625 kW). The background and reasons for the reallocation are set out in a memorandum of August 20, 1975, from the Commissioner of Reclamation to the Secretary of the Interior. Lists of the Parker-Davis customers (and the CRSP customers) for both the summer and winter seasons before and after reallocation are as follows: |