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Show APPENDIX XIII XIII-3 1301 MINUTE NO. 218 RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE COLORADO RIVER SALINITY PROBLEM The Commission met in the office of the Mexican Section in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, at 12:00 m on March 22, 1965, to comply with instructions it has received from the two Governments, to consider measures "to reach a permanent and effective solution" of the problem of the salinity of the waters of the Colorado River which reach Mexico, as contemplated in the Presidential Communiques of March 16 and June 30, 1962 and February 22, 1964. The Commission reviewed the measures which the two Governments have taken to date to alleviate temporarily the problem of salinity of waters of the lower Colorado River, and noted the reduction which has occurred in the salinity of drainage waters from the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District and that continued improvement is anticipated. The Commission, with the scientific and engineering studies made by both Governments as a basis, thereupon adopted the following Resolution, subject to the approval of the two Governments, embodying the following Recommendations: 1. That the United States construct at its expense an extension to the present Wellton-Mohawk District's drainage conveyance channel, with capacity of 353 cubic feet (10 cubic meters) per second, along the left bank of the Colorado River to a point below Morelos Dam, and a control structure in that extension of the channel in the reach between Morelos Dam and the mouth of the Araz Drain, which structure would permit the discharge of the Wellton-Mohawk District's drainage waters to the bed of the river at a point either above or below Morelos Dam. 2. That the Commission permit execution of the works which may be required for the extension channel to pass through Morelos Dam. 3. That the extension channel and control structure proposed in Recommendation 1 be operated and maintained by the United States at its expense to discharge all of the Wellton-Mohawk District's drainage waters below Morelos Dam, except those which are discharged above the Dam on the days and at such rates as Mexico may request in writing. 4. That during the life of the present Minute and subject to the reservations of Recommendation 11, the Commission account for Wellton-Mohawk District's drainage waters as a part of those described in the provisions of Article 10 of the Water Treaty of February 3, 1944, with the understanding: a) that on the days for which Mexico requests water at the minimum winter rate of deliveries of 900 cubic feet (25.5 cubic meters) per second, the United States control waters reaching the limitrophe section of the Colorado River so that without including Wellton-Mohawk District's drainage waters, their flows be not less than 800 cubic feet (22.7 cubic meters) per second, their average flow be not less than 900 cubic feet (25.5 cubic meters) per second for the total of such days during each winter period for which the minimum rate is requested, and that the computation of that average flow not take into account flows in excess of 1000 cubic feet (28.3 cubic meters) per second; and b) that the winter periods in reference extend from October 1 of each year through February of the next following year. |