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Show 1-76 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS [T.S. 994] 46 ment shall be communicated to ellos sigan los procedimientos ne-the Commissioners, who shall take cesarios para llevar a cabo lo such further proceedings as may convenido. be necessary to carry out such agreement. VI-TRANSITORY PROVISIONS VI-DISPOSICIONES TRANSITO- RIAS Article 26 Articulo 26 During a period of eight years Durante un lapso de ocho anos from the date of the entry into contados a partir de la fecha en force of this Treaty, or until the que principie la vigencia de este beginning of operation of the lowest Tratado, o hasta que sea puesta en major international reservoir on operaci6n la presa inferior prin-the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo), cipal internacional de almacena-should it be placed in operation mien to en el rfo Bravo (Grande), si prior to the expiration of said se pone en operaci6n antes de period, Mexico will cooperate with aquel plazo, Mexico cooperara con the United States to relieve, in los Estados Unidos para aliviar, times of drought, any lack of water en periodos de escasez, la falta del needed to irrigate the lands now agua necesaria para regar las under irrigation in the Lower Rio tierras que actualmente se riegan Grande Valley in the United en el valle del Bajo Rfo Bravo States, and for this purpose Mexico (Grande), en los Estados Unidos, will release water from El Aziicar y, al efecto, Mexico extraera agua reservoir on the San Juan River de la presa de El Aziicar en el Rfo and allow that water to run San Juan y la dejara correr por through its system of canals back medio de su sistema de canales al into the San Juan River in order rfo San Juan, con objeto de que that the United States may divert los Estados Unidos puedan deri-such water from the Rio Grande varla del rfo Bravo (Grande). (Rio Bravo). Such releases shall Dichas extracciones se haran siem-be made on condition that they do pre que no afecten la operaci6n not affect the Mexican irrigation del sistema de riego mexicano; sin system, provided that Mexico embargo, Mexico se obliga, salvo shall, in any event, except in cases casos de escasez extraordinaria o of extraordinary drought or serious de serio accidente a sus obras accident to its hydraulic works, re- hidraulicas, a dejar salir y a lease and make available to the abastecer los volumenes pedidos United States for its use the por los Estados Unidos, para su quantities requested, under the uso, bajo las siguientes condi-following conditions: that during ciones: que en los ocho anos cita-the said eight years there shall be dos se abastecera un total de made available a total of 160,000 197 358 000 metros cubicos acre-feet (197,358,000 cubic me- (160 000 acres pies) y, en un afto |